Optional Form – Walker v LSW MR. FOSTER: There’s an optional report with fees and expenses. MR. PERLA: Okay. Thank you. Q BY MR. FOSTER: So if you’d turn to page LSW 12295 of MacGowan Exhibit 9. A 122 — okay. Q Do you see there’s a page there that’s headed “Policy Charges and Expenses”?…

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Was LSW Trying to Hide Information? – Walker v LSW (p77) – Hidden Information – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> Q Have you ever seen any evidence that LSW is trying to hide the expenses of its IUL products from…

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Marketing – Walker v LSW (p72) – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> A Well, we run all materials through compliance, you know, whether it’s training material or anything else. We work with them, like I said, to make sure that…

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Agent Training – Walker v LSW (p28) – <Not in front of Jury>, also p49 MR. SHAPIRO (Defense Attorney):  This is a diffuse atomistic sales force.  We don’t require a lot. — There is very good reasons for that. It’s not a unique business model. Perhaps other businesses run other ways, but beyond essentially telling folks…

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Fraudulent Concealment / Intent to Deceive – Walker v LSW (p184-187) – Jury Instructions THE COURT: There are two things I concluded as reflected in the instruction on page 24, which is the element of fraudulent concealment. I read the Gagne case. As I indicate, element number four as I’ve numbered them here comes directly…

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Target Premium – Walker v LSW (p41-42) – MacGowan Q.  And would you please take a look at Mr. Howlett’ s illustration which is in the white binder.  It’s Exhibit 30 on page 10. A. Yes. Q. Now, in the lower right-hand corner underneath where it says page 10 of 21, do you see there’s…

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Costs and Illustrations – Walker v LSW (p78-79) – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 – p27 Q Do the illustrations even without optional page that itemizes the expenses, does the standard illustration reflect in some way the costs of a policy?…

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Commissions / Compensation – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p60) Q Now, I assume that the agents who sell your products are receiving some type of compensation; is that fair? A Yes. Q And what’s the method…

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Death Benefit Need and Life Insurance – Walker v LSW (p210) – Joyce Walker – Policyowner  Q Prior to buying your LSW policy, had you ever purchased life insurance? A No, sir. Q And why not? A I don’t have any children, so I had no need for a death benefit. 2014 0416 – DOC…

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Consumer Understanding – Walker v LSW (p4-5) – Moore, Monte Carlo In regard to consumer understanding, the Court correctly found that there was no foundation because, quote, “The concept of policy performance based on hypothetical returns is not so complex that consumers could not understand it.” This ruling should be extended to Mr. Sabatini as…

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