Insurance Journal – [YouTube-link] 2008 0604 – – Insurers Blast Insurance Regulators as Closed to Open Dialogue, By Patricia-Anne Tom – [link] 2008 0926 – – State Regulators Blast Federal Regulation Advocates Over AIG – [link] 2009 0803 – – States Dispute Article Questioning AIG Insurance Units’ Finances – [link] 2009 0731…

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NYT – New York Times Diana Henriques – NYT – New York Times Mid-2000s – Life Insurance Sales to Military Personnel, Senate Hearings (Shelby) Gretchen Morgenson – NYT – New York Times Ellen Pollock – NYT – New York Times 2002 0227 – Booknotes – The Pretender: Martin Frankel, by Ellen Polluck…

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Journalists Media Media – Index Press Press Releases 1989 0501 – National Press Club / CSPAN – Where Was the Press During the S&L Crisis? – [link] Jack Anderson  Webb report, wisconsin, hart Diana B. Henriques – NYT – New York Times Military Sales of Life Insurance Larry Kramer – Washington Post Gretchen Morgenson -…

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Old – Media Probe, Halsey Josephson The Insurance Salesman Magazine The Insurance Salesman Magazine

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Bloomberg Businessweek Bloomberg News 2020 0116 – Bloomberg Businessweek – Nobody Makes Money Like Apollo’s Ruthless Founder Leon Black:The private equity CEO with a fearsome reputation skates on the edges of other people’s catastrophes and manages to walk away richer., By Caleb Melby and Heather Perlberg – [link] <WishList> – 1981 0914 – See The…

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PBS – Public Broadcasting Service 2014-? – PBS – Tom Hegna’s Public Television Special: Don’t Worry, Retire Happy! 2009 – PBS – 2014 – p2 – Retirement Income from Whole Life Insurance [Bonk: 2009 – MassMutual Analysis: Whole Life Insurance Can Help Supply Retirement Income, Preserve Equity Portfolios During Bear Markets As part of the company’s…

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White Coat Investor 2013 0204 – White Coat Investor – Book Review of Missed Fortune 101 By Live Abundant Owner Doug Andrew – [link] 2014 0519 – White Coat Investor – Is a Zero Percent Tax Bracket in Retirement a Good Idea? – [link] The cost of insurance in the table varies from $0.06 to $83.34 per…

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Youtube The And Asset The And Asset – Answering The Most Complex Life Insurance Questions – Tommy Smoot, Guardian 16 – Dom – Why don’t people get the Cash and the Death Benefit? 19 – Smoot – problems come when agents and consumers don’t understand moving parts. VUL in 2000s. Illustrated Rates were too Rosy….…

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Consumers Union Mary Griffin NAIC Illustrations – 1990s 1974 – LC – Consumers Union of United States, Inc. v. Albright Court: United States District Court, S.D. New York No. 74 Civ. 234, 427 F. Supp. 840 (S.D.N.Y. 1977) You may opt for a “planned” or “target” premium–a predetermined amount to be paid on a regular…

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