Fortune Magazine 1968 10 – Fortune Magazine – Crisis in National Perception Life Insurance  1984 0305 – Fortune Magazine – A Go-Go Insurer Adds Zest to Life, by Gary Hector

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2020s – Newspapers 2022 0709 – Times of San Diego – Opinion: California Class-Action Lawyers Now Targeting Life Insurance Industry, by Tiger Joyce (President of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) – [link] 2022 1007 – WSJ – Private Equity’s Pension-Plan Takeovers Face Backlash Some lawmakers say the transfer of pension liabilities to private equity-linked insurers puts…

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IAIS – VIDEO 2021 – IAIS – IAIS Virtual Annual Conference 2021 – Global Monitoring Exercise panel – [VIDEO-YouTube] Moderator-Dieter-? Michael McRaith – [PE-Private Equity, ( – 27:30) – Birny Birnbaum (CEJ) – PRT-Pension Risk Transfer, Long-Term Care, Business Transfers, Reinsurance, Shifting of Risk from Company to Comsumers, Change in Insurance Products from Death Benefit…

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APNews 2018 1004 – APNews – Aegon: Transamerica Settles Universal Life Litigation – [link]

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ACLI – Media 1997 1024 – WSJ – MONY Wins Dismissal of Suit Over ‘Vanishing Premium’ Policies, by Leslie Scism – [link] The company, popularly known as MONY, won a dismissal this week of a national class-action lawsuit that is similar to more than 30 suits pending against major life insurers. … in the MONY case, New York…

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American Banker 2014 – Mercatus / American Banker – AIG’s Collapse: The Part Nobody Likes to Talk About, Hester Peirce – [link] p119-120, 2017 1024 – GOV (House) – The Federal Government’s Role in the Insurance Industry, Sean Duffy (R-WI)  —  [BonkNote] 1996 0102 – American Banker – A life insurance time bomb in trust – and how to defuse…

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