Outline – MetLife Ronald R. Parry – Plaintiff Lawyer 1990s Life Insurance Sold as Retirement Plans, Investments Nurses Investigation into Sales Practices of MetLife – Florida Report – <WishList> 1998 1231 – New Jersey Regulators, re: MetLife – Report of The Metropolitan Life Insurance Companies Located In New York, New York As Of December 31,…

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MetLife – Snippets Policyholder 1;  I’m dropping my whole life policy with your company and replacing it with company x’s universal life policy. Agent 1:  Universal life is not right for you, and I recommend retaining your present policy. Policyholder 2:  I’m dropping my whole life policy with your company and replacing it with company…

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MetLife – Documents 1998 1231 – New Jersey Regulators, re: MetLife – Report of The Metropolitan Life Insurance Companies Located In New York, New York As Of December 31, 1998, By Examiners of The State of New Jersey Department of Banking And Insurance Division of Enforcement And Consumer Protection Market Conduct Examination Unit – 44p

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MDL-1091 – IN RE: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Sales Practices Litigation Special Committee on Metropolitan Life – NAIC MDL-1091 – IN RE: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Sales Practices Litigation  —  [BonkNote] 1995 1005 – 2007 0607 Ambrose, Donetta W. PAW 1999 1228 – LC – MDL-1091 – Metropolitan Life – Final Order Approving Class Action Settlement – 19p In its…

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2014 12 – re: FSOC SIFI Designation of MetLife, Woodall / Hamm – Views of the Council’s Independent Member Having Insurance Expertise – 13p 2014 12 – re: FSOC SIFI Designation of MetLife, Woodall / Hamm – Views of the Council’s Independent Member Having Insurance Expertise – 13p Roy Woodall –  I do share concerns about…

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MetLife – Media 1993 1003- Tampa Bay Times – The Mess with MetLife, by Robert Keefe, Times Staff Writer –   1994 0101 – News-Press – [link-Newspapers.com] p11 – MetLife Sales Pitch Turns Sour, New York Daily News –  p11 – Company Admits Brochures Misled Potential Investors, New York Daily News  01 Jan 1994, Sat News-Press (Fort…

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MetLife – Legal Cases 2000 – LC – In re Metlife Demutualization Litigation Court: United States District Court, E.D. New York Date published: Feb 12, 2010 Citations – 00 CV 2258 (E.D.N.Y. Feb. 12, 2010) This case and a related case in New York Supreme Court, Fiala v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Index No. 601181/2000, are…

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