DSA – Direct Selling Association dsa.org youtube.com/@directselling411 DSA – Direct Selling Association DSEF – Direct Selling Education Foundation   MLM – Multi-Level Marketing  Anti-MLM-Multi-Level Marketing    Pyramid Scheme 2015 1030 – Letter – DSA to Direct Selling Caucus – Congress – 1p Recently, you received a letter and may have also noticed an op-ed in The Hill newspaper from Robert…

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Devos Amway Richard Devos 1959 – Founded Amway Dick DeVos   Betsy Devos Education Secretary 2018 0906 – The Washington Post – Richard DeVos, billionaire co-founder of Amway and GOP financial supporter, dies at 92 – [link]   Amway’s business practices also came under scrutiny by regulatory authorities. The company and its Canadian subsidiary paid nearly $60…

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Pyramid Scheme – Media   1932 1213 – The Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) Newspapers.com 1949 0118 – Daily News (Los Angeles, California) Newspapers.com

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1974 0710 – GOV (Senate) – Pyramid Sales, Frank E. Moss (D-UT) 1974 0710 – GOV (Senate) – Pyramid Sales, Frank E. Moss (D-UT)  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-xp-GooglePlay] (p1) – Frank E. Moss (D-UT) – Today we will look into the strange and disturbing world of the fast buck pyramid sales scheme. Untold hundreds of…

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Robert Fitzpatrick pyramidschemealert.org/ Anti-MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Books 2012 – Book – False Prophets, by Robert Fitzpatrick 2020 – Book – Ponzinomics, by Robert Fitzpatrick 2023 – Book – Direct Selling: A Nonfiction Fable, by Robert Fitzpatrick  Year-? – Pyramid Politics: The FTC’s Long History of Protecting “Multi-Level Marketing”, by Robert L. FitzPatrick – 14p 2020 1112…

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Anti-MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Always Marco Bruce Craig Wisconsin Department of Justice, Assistant Attorney General. mlmchange.org/bruce-craig/ Robert Fitzpatrick William W. Keep School of Business, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey, USA 2013 – AP – Multilevel Marketing: A Historical Perspective, by William W. Keep – 3p Varieties, Alternatives, and Deviations in Marketing History Peter…

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2016 – VIDEO – Betting on Zero – [Herbalife] 2016 – VIDEO – Betting on Zero – [Herbalife]  —  [BonkNote]  —  [VIDEO-YouTube-01:44:16] Mark Hughes – Herbalife – Founder Bill Ackman – Pershing Capital 4 – Bill Ackman – MBIA – Municipal Bond Insurance Association – We were proven right, it took 7 years 2020 – Book…

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DSEF – Direct Selling Education Foundation dsef.org/ dsef.org/campus-events/ 2021 – Book – Direct Selling: A Global and Social Business Model, DSEF, Direct Selling Education Foundation youtube.com/@TheDSEF 2016 – TheDSEF – Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility: DSEF Campus Programs in Action, Direct Selling Education Foundation – [VIDEO-YouTube-02:26] 2018 0119 – TheDSEF – Opening the Door – Brenda Cude,…

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FTC – BOR – Business Opportunity Rule 2021 0614 – FTC – Press Release – Statement of Commissioner Rohit Chopra – Regarding the Business Opportunity Rule – Commission File No. P924214, Federal Trade Commission – 2p 2022 1125 – FTC – Consultation – BOR – Business Opportunity Rule – ANPR, Project No. R511993  —  [BonkNote] 32 Comments – regulations.gov/docket/FTC-2022-0072/comments…

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