LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Index 1981-12 – Journal – American Academy of Actuaries – Statement to NAIC,  RE: Dividends, Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – [PDF-12p] EXHIBIT C:  POSSIBLE CHANGES IN SOME SECTIONS OF THE LIFE INSURANCE BUYER’S GUIDE – p151-153 1981-2 NAIC Proc. – POSSIBLE CHANGES IN…

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65 or older 2022 0304 (Date Filed) – LC – Williams v. National Western Life Insurance – Opinion on Transfer, Appeals Court – 52p (p7) – 5 Section 785, subdivision (a) provides: “All insurers, brokers, agents, and others engaged in the transaction of insurance owe a prospective insured who is 65 years of age or older, a…

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ULMR – Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation – 585 – NAIC Chronological Summary of Actions 1984 Proc. I 6, 31, 376, 514, 515-526 (adopted). 1988 Proc. I 9, 19-20, 494, 599-600, 627 (adopted change to footnote 3). 1989 Proc. II 13, 23, 414-415, 428-429, 431-442 (amended to include consumer disclosure requirement). 1990 Proc. I 6,…

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MCAS – Market Conduct Annual Statement – NAIC Market Conduct Annual Statement Life & Annuities Data Call & Definitions Cash Value Product – A life insurance policy that generates a cash value element. Term life policies with cash value are considered cash value products. Lawsuits Closed During the Period with Consideration for the Consumer—A lawsuit…

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NAIC – Illustration Model Regulation – Comments Walker v LSW – Judge – Video NAIC Proc – 1990s – end of Working Group  – Good Job One of the first things that a serious reader of the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation will realize is that it is not a tightly written document. — …

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Valuation and Non-forfeiture Nonforfeiture Second Standard Nonforfeiture Law – NAIC Standard Non-Forfeiture Law – SNFL Valuation Standard Valuation Law – SVL Valuation Actuary 1987 – SOA – Valuation Actuary Handbook  – VAH 1987 – SOA – Valuation Actuary Handbook  – VAH871 – Chapter 1 – Insurance Company Statutory Valuation, Society of Actuaries – 34p Valuation…

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Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation – LIIMR – 582 – NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation – LIIMR – 582 – NAIC Proceedings – Citations  —  [BonkNote] George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) Obviously, this isn’t the first time the industry and the regulators have become involved…

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SVL – Standard Valuation Law 820-standard-valuation-law II. Proposed Changes in the Standard Valuation Law Draft of November 20, 1972 1973-1, NAIC PROCEEDINGS lt may be of interest to convey some of the highlights, – – – excerpts of these communications follow: We could accept the judgment of many, but not all, financial experts that we…

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Regulation XXX – NAIC 2001 02 – Report – AAA – XXX Practice Note – NAIC Model Regulation XXX, American Academy of Actuaries – 17p 2001 – SOA – Regulation XXX: A Comprehensive Overview, Society of Actuaries – 25p  2006 – AP – Regulation XXX Spurs Insurance Securitization, by Stephen Rooney – <WishList-HeinOnline> The valuation actuary…

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