NAIC – Walker v LSW (p29-30) – Dr. Patrick Brockett Q When you were offering that statement, you don’t actually know what the NAIC regulations require or preclude in terms of what could be disclosed; do you? MR. BROSNAHAN: Objection, Your Honor, as to what the NAIC — THE COURT: Overruled. THE WITNESS: I don’t…

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Receivership Courts Dodd-Frank FDIC NAIC Receiver’s Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies for Qualified Financial Contracts Troubled Companies 2023 04 – NAIC – State Insurance Receivership Priority Act – Federal Priority Act – 1p UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act 1940 – LR – Legislation: The Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act – 12p Although there has been a vast…

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What is the NAIC? It is unprecedented that the Federal Government would give such power to a private trade association—I repeat, a private trade association—or to what NAIC immediate past resident Walter Bell of Alabama in an April 9, 2007, letter called: ‘‘a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with voluntary membership and not a State government entity.’’…

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Liquidity – NAIC Liquidity Assessment (E) Subgroup – NAIC – Current Life Liquidity Risk Working Group – NAIC – 2000 previously been assigned to the Life and Health Actuarial Task Force

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Eyes Terri Vaughan (NAIC CEO):  So it is a very collaborative system, and I will say it has not always been that way. This is something that has taken us years to get to. And the NAIC has staff support that helps to make sure that that collaboration occurs when it needs to occur. 2011 0914…

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NAIC – International International Insurance Relations Committee – NAIC ComFrame Development and Analysis (G) Working Group – NAIC – (disbanded) 2008 – NAIC – International Report – Issue No. 32-33 September – December. 2008 – 18p Vietnam Additionally, NAIC market conduct experts provided an explanation of agent professionalism, which included licensing, training, administrating and requirements for agents who…

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NAIC – Testimony 1970s 1973 / 1974 – GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry, Senator Hart (D-MI) – 4 Parts — [BonkNote] 1973 0221 and 0222 – Part 2 of 4 – [PDF-733p-GooglePlay] 1973-2,  NAIC Proceedings – GOV (Senate) – NAIC – Testimony Stanley DuRose (Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner / NAIC) – p107-131 – 25p 1972 0221 (Typo…

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1980s – ACLI – NAIC Proceedings NAIC Proceedings – ACLI – Universal Life  LIFE , ACCIDENT AND HEALTH (C) COMMITTEE; Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittee, 1980-1, NAIC Proc.  The American Council of Life Insurance also has a special Task Force on Valuation and Nonforfeiture Regulation for New Products, which is studying minimum reserves and nonforfeiture value…

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InsureU – NAIC Insure U offers unbiased and trusted consumer resources from the NAIC. The program’s robust website provides consumers with helpful tips and information about insurance—and because individual coverage needs vary, materials are provided for various life situations. The site also features quizzes and public service announcements to help consumers Get Smart About…

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Consumer Information Source (CIS) 5. Receive Brief Update on Consumer Information Source (CIS) Suggested Wording Mr. Lisson said regulators from Colorado, New York and North Carolina and Dr. Brenda Cude are currently working on recommendations for simplification of the wording on the NAIC Consumer Information Source (CIS) Web page. He added that the recommendations will…

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