Systemic Risk – NAIC The very nature of insurance significantly reduces the potential of a run-on-the-bank scenario for property/casualty, health and most life insurance products. For those limited products sold by insurers that could be subject to some level of run risk, mitigating factors exist such as policy loan limitations, surrender/withdrawal penalties, and additional…

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Questions – NAIC 2013 – NAIC – State of the Life Insurance Industry: Implications of Industry Trends – 220p Additionally, the insurer usually guarantees the cash value will not fall below a minimum value. Transcript of NAIC Webex Conference Calls like the SEC? Why is there a JP Morgan Copyright on NAIC materials? Who is/are the Life…

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Benefits – Regulators So I think that the NAIC is going to have to relook at the whole issue of life cost disclosure. It is an issue that will not go away. As long as the internal benefits of a policy are not reflected in the premium, people need help in measuring those benefits. That…

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1970 – Joint Special Committee of Life Insurance Costs 1970 – Report of the Joint Special Committee on Life Insurance Costs – (p720-748) – 29p Report to American Life Convention, Institute of Life Insurance, Life Insurance Association of America  1973 — GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry –  4 parts – Senator Hart – Part…

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NAIC – IAIS International Insurance Relations (G) Committee – NAIC ComFrame Development and Analysis (G) Working Group – NAIC – (disbanded) 138. Some supervisors publish conduct-related information that can help to mitigate risks to consumers. Example from the United States: Consumer Information and Education The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) provides a variety of…

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NAIC – Documents NAIC – Index JIR – Journal of Insurance Regulation – NAIC NAIC – Library NAIC – Press Releases NAIC – Proceedings NAIC – Selections Capital Markets Bureau Reports CMB report Directory of receivership resources to assist receivers Insurance Department Resources Report Insurers Distribution of Assets  Issues – 1989-2004 – [link] NAIC Annual Report…

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NAIC Zones Midwest Zone Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma South Dakota Wisconsin Northeast Zone Connecticut Delaware Maine Massachusetts Maryland New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Southeast Zone Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Puerto Rico South Carolina Tennessee Virginia Virgin…

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NAIC – Framework NAIC – Groups – Life Insurance A Committee “Market Conduct Surveillance” – 75r MARKET CONDUCT, EXAMINATION AND REPORTING (B)  COMMITTEE Market Conduct and Trade Practices (B1) Subcommittee This Subcommittee is responsible for (a) overseeing the NAIC complaint system … 1980-2 Agents and Brokers (B2) Subcommittee. Competition (B 3) Subcommittee (B3) Subcommittee Competition…

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NAIC Conference Calls 2018 2018 0719 – LIAC – Mary Mealer – Adopted Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide 2018 0917 – LIOGWG (Canceled??) 2018 0921 – Consumer Information Subgroup 2018 0924 – LIIIWG. Notes? Call? 2018 0927- Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF) 2018 1009 – LIIIWG 2018 1010 – LIOGWG 2018 1024 – LIAC 2018 1109…

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Universal Life – NAIC – Regulators 1980s … which falls into this category is a derivative of the Universal Life Policy first described by James C. H. Anderson… 1980-1, NAIC Proc.  The completely flexible life insurance plans are sometimes called “universal life insurance plans. 1980-2, NAIC Proc. … (sometimes referred to as “Total Life Plans”…

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