2019 0528 – IULSG – IUL Illustration Subgroup – (A) – NAIC 1/ – Fred – LIAC – IUL Illustrations – concerns features may not be working as intended, Bonus and Multiplier features, Crediting Rate, AG49 Limitations, Cash Values, Target premiums.. is a desire to change…. 2019 04 meeting- Menu of Options, Comments from …,…

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2019 0312 – IULSG – IUL Illustration Subgroup – (A) – NAIC 2019 0312 – IULSG – IUL Illustration Subgroup – (A) – NAIC – 2019-1, NAIC Proceedings  —  [BonkNote] IUL Illustration (A) Subgroup March 12, 2019, Minutes (Attachment Fifty-Seven)(Attachment Fifty-Seven) ………. 6-835 Academy Comment Letter (Attachment Fifty-Seven-A) ………… 6-837 Sample Illustration (Attachment Fifty-Seven-B) ……..…

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AUWG – Accelerated Underwriting Working Group – (A) – NAIC content.naic.org/cmte_a_au_wg.htm Accelerated Underwriting in Life Insurance Educational Report 2021 0817 – EX – NAIC – Executive (EX) Committee and Plenary – Attachment One –  LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES (A) COMMITTEE – NEW CHARGES The Accelerated Underwriting (A) Working Group, as part of its ongoing work…

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MCESWG – Market Conduct Examination Standards Working Group – (D) – NAIC 2017 0912 – NAIC – MCESWG – Market Conduct Examination Standards Working Group – (D) – 200p 2017 0912 – NAIC – MCESWG – Market Conduct Examination Standards Working Group – (D) – 200p (p7) – Historically, replacement ratios were quite low. This was due…

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Market Regulation Certification Working Group – (D) – NAIC content.naic.org/cmte_d_mra_wg.htm Market Regulation Certification Working Group – (D) – NAIC 2023 0509 (Draft) – NAIC – Voluntary Market Regulation Certification Program Self-Assessment Guidelines, and Checklist Tool – 30p Voluntary Market Regulation Certification Program Documents requirements guidelines checklist scorecard 2023 0509 – NAIC – Market Regulation Certification Working…

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Separate Accounts Working Group – NAIC 7. Adopted a motion to report to the Separate Accounts Working Group that the task force endorses the reserving approach contained in the March 15, 1998, draft of the Separate Accounts Funding Guaranteed Minimum Benefits Under Group Contracts Model Regulation. 1998-2, NAIC Proc. Google Results – 7 results https://www.soa.org/4937f7/globalassets/assets/library/proceedings/valuation-actuary-symposium-proceedings/1985-99/1994/january/vasp942.pdf…

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Innovative Products Working Group – NAIC 4. Adopted the report of the Innovative Products Working Group, which is discussing variable annuities with guaranteed living benefits, equity-indexed products – nonforfeiture and reserving for equity-indexed annuities, including ZZZ Guideline, equity-indexed life products, group flexible premium life products with cash value strategies, and Regulation XXX. 1998-2, NAIC Proc.…

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MAPWG – Market Analysis Procedures Working Group (D) – NAIC 2023 0717 – MAPWG – NAIC – Jo LeDuc (Chair-MO), Rebecca Rebholz (WI) Birny Birnbaum (CEJ) MCAS – Health Samantha Burns – Interested Party – complaints per thousand might be useful … Samantha Explanation Jo LeDuc – That makes no sense. Mary Kay Lunch and…

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