NAIC – Market Conduct The NAIC Examination (A6) Subcommittee, in 1974, recommended the establishment of a “separate and distinct” program of surveillance to ensure fair treatment of policyholders. Thus was “market conduct” born. The term “market conduct” has, however, fallen upon bad times.  1991-2A, NAIC Proceedings G. Criteria for Collaboration The following questions are designed…

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NAIC – Illustration Model Regulation – Comments Walker v LSW – Judge – Video NAIC Proc – 1990s – end of Working Group  – Good Job One of the first things that a serious reader of the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation will realize is that it is not a tightly written document. — …

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Emerging Accounting Issues Working Group – NAIC re: Bond Lending / <Securities Lending> There was also some discussion of the lack of liquidity associated with this program and it was felt that that is certainly consideration which must be taken into effect by companies contemplating such transactions. 1986-1, NAIC Proceedings – Minutes Working Group on Emerging Issues…

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Technical – NAIC Neither the former (C4) Life, Accident and Health Insurance Technical Subcommittee nor the present Life, A&H Technical Staff Actuarial Group has appointed any advisory committee or group to work specifically on this topic. This topic was described under the topic heading “Completely Flexible Life Insurance Plans (Universal Life Insurance Plans)” in the…

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LIAC – Life Insurance Committee – (A) – NAIC 2023 – NAIC – LIAC – Fall Meeting – 112p Agenda Item #4 – Hear a Presentation on Consumer Financial Literacy vs. Life Insurance and Annuities Illustrations —Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ) and Brenda J. Cude (University of Georgia) 2020 1110 – LIAC – NAIC…

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NAIC – Groups – Outline NAIC – Groups NAIC – Groups – Index NAIC – Framework 2004 – Insurance Marketplace Standards (A) Working Group MARKET CONDUCT AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE (EX3) Subgroup on the Unfair Trade Practices Act  UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES ACT – MDL-880 MARKET CONDUCT SURVEILLANCE MODEL LAW  – MDL-693 MARKET CONDUCT RECORD RETENTION AND…

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International Insurance Relations (G) Committee – NAIC Virtual 2021 Spring National Meeting –  April 7, 2021 – 8p Virtual Meeting – May 5, 2021 – 8p Discussed NAIC Comments on the IAIS Draft Application Paper on Macroprudential Supervision Ryan Workman (NAIC) gave an overview of the NAIC’s comments on the draft application paper,…

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2010s – 2020s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Focus Groups NAIC Working Groups – Current / Recent 2015/8/16 LIAC CC    He <Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ)> said it is important that state insurance regulators determine if illustrations are accomplishing what they are intended to accomplish, how they are being used and whether…

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MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs Committee – D – NAIC 2020 1208 – MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee – 15p 2021 0413 – MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee – Virtual – 2021 Spring National Meeting – 61p Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ) stated that…

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E.U. – U.S. Insurance Dialogue Project Reports – NAIC New Initiatives for 2017-2019 and Focus Areas for 2018.pdf Key Elements of Regulations and Supervisory Practices in Respect of Group ORSA – Nov 2015.pdf The Way Forward – July 2014 Update.pdf The Way Forward – Objectives and Initiatives for the Future – Dec 2012.pdf Comparing Certain…

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