International Solvency Initiatives Working Group – NAIC International Solvency Initiatives Working Group Sept. 11, 2006, Minutes (Attachment Two)  p972 IAIS Solvency & Actuarial Issues Subcommittee, September 2006 Summary of Quebec Meeting by Kris DeFrain (NAIC) (Attachment Two-A) p973 International Solvency Initiatives Working Group July 11, 2006, Minutes (Attachment Two-B) p976

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Subgroup on the Unfair Trade Practices Act – NAIC MARKET CONDUCT AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE (EX3) Louisville – December 3, 1990 1. Adopted amendments to the Unfair Claims Practices Act and Regulations and to the Unfair Trade Practices Act. 2. Received the report of the Subgroup on Unfair Trade Practices regarding tying, misquotes of premium…

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Solvency Modernization (EX) Task Force – NAIC The NAIC’s Solvency Modernization Initiative (SMI) began in June 2008 SMI will focus on five key solvency areas: capital requirements, international accounting, insurance valuation, reinsurance, and group regulatory issues. SMI Roadmap 2014 0814 – NAIC White Paper THE U.S. NATIONAL STATE-BASED SYSTEM OF INSURANCE FINANCIAL REGULATION…

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Suitability Working Group – NAIC 4. Report of Suitability Working Group Mr. DeAngelo said the Suitability Working Group had two charges in 1999: to amend the Advertisements of Life Insurance and Annuities Model Regulation and to develop a white paper on Suitability of Sales of Life Insurance and Annuities. At the 1999 Winter National Meeting,…

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Life Liquidity Risk Working Group – NAIC 2000-1, NAIC Proceedings March 12 March 25 2000-3, NAIC Proceedings 2001 – SOA – Life Liquidity Risk, by Jon E. Niehus, Society of Actuaries – 2p The Life Liquidity Risk Working Group arose from an interest in liquidity matters in 1999 by the Life and Health Actuarial Task Force relative…

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Special Committee on Metropolitan Life – NAIC “Special Committee on Metropolitan Life” – NAIC (Executive Committee) Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Executive (EX) Committee voted to add a charge to the Life Insurance (A) Committee as follows: Receive and consider recommendations from other NAIC committees (such as the (EX) Special Committee on Metropolitan…

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Macroprudential Initiative – NAIC MACROPRUDENTIAL INITIATIVE (MPI) – NAIC Website Macroprudential (E) Working Group (MWG) – NAIC 2022 – Regulatory Considerations Applicable (But Not Exclusive) to PE Owned Insurers

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Financial Condition Committee – (E) – NAIC Risk Retention Group Task Force – (E) – NAIC 2003-3, NAIC Proc. – Financial Stability Task Force   2003 0610 – Report of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the Federal Reserve System – Joint Subgroup on Financial Issues – 51p (p536) – The Subgroup also…

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Liquidity Assessment Subgroup – NAIC March 12, 2000 March 26 in regulator-to-regulator session 2017 0911 – Liquidity Assessment (EX) Subgroup – Conference Call [PDF-Attachment 1-90p] NEW NOTE 33. Analysis of Life Actuarial Reserves and Deposit Type Liabilities by Withdrawal Characteristics (Renumber subsequent notes) Instruction: Disclose the amounts of account value, cash value and reserve for…

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Financial Stability Task Force (EX) – NAIC 2022 – 2022 1028 – NAIC – Financial Stability (E) Task Force and Macroprudential (E) Working Group, Virtual Meeting – 9p Commissioner Caride further reported that the Financial Stability (EX) Task Force’s mandate is to analyze existing post financial crisis regulatory reforms for their use in identifying macroeconomic trends,…

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