Subgroup on Life Advertising Issues – (EX3) – NAIC Subgroup on Life Insurance and Annuities, 1987-2 1987-2, NAIC Proceedings – Market Conduct Surveillance (EX3) Task Force – April 12-13, 1987 1. Report of Subgroup on Life Insurance and Annuities The report of the Subgroup on Life lnsurance and Annuities was given by Tony Schrader. Mr.…

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NGEs – Non-Guaranteed Elements – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries Non-Guaranteed Elements Subcommittee 1980s – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries Task Force on Non-Guarantee Elements, William T. Tozer, Chair 2000s – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries Non-Guaranteed Elements Working Group The Non-Guaranteed Elements Work Group will review actuarial standards of practice,…

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NAIC Conference Calls 2018 2018 0719 – LIAC – Mary Mealer – Adopted Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide 2018 0917 – LIOGWG (Canceled??) 2018 0921 – Consumer Information Subgroup 2018 0924 – LIIIWG. Notes? Call? 2018 0927- Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF) 2018 1009 – LIIIWG 2018 1010 – LIOGWG 2018 1024 – LIAC 2018 1109…

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Life Marketing Practices to Senior Citizens Working Group – NAIC Superintendent Stokes concurred, stating that she has serious problems with providing the disclosure form after the consumer has made a decision to purchase the policy. She did not feel the free-look period was an acceptable substitute for giving the disclosure information at an earlier time.…

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Life Cost Comparison Working Group – NAIC Research Projects Research project 12: The Manipulation Issue, E J. Moorhead – <WishList> Life Insurance Cost Comparison (C3) Task Force The purpose of revising the preliminary draft is to produce a buyers guide which contains the same general concepts as those contained in the preliminary draft but in…

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NAIC WGs – Snippets 2013 24. Discussed Inconsistencies in Index-linked Universal Life Policy Illustrations John Bruins (ACLI) discussed the inconsistencies, across a number of companies, in the illustration of index-linked universal life policies. He said they would like the Task Force to consider an actuarial guideline or a change to a model regulation to address…

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LIIIWG – Life Insurance Illustration Issues Working Group – NAIC LIIIWG – Life Insurance Illustrations Issues Working Group – NAIC – Index Birny Birnbaum – NAIC Consumer Representative, CEJ Brenda Cude – NAIC Consumer Representative, University of Georgia, Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics Michael Lovendusky – ACLI Mary Mealer – Missouri  Emily Micale -…

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Replacement Issues Subgroup – NAIC 1996-3v2. NAIC Proceedings 913 – 1. Report of Replacement, Issues Subgroup Carolyn Johnson (NAIC/SSO) reported that the Replacement Issues Subgroup met by conference call twice and discussed surveying insurers to learn more about their replacement practices. The subgroup requested comments be sent to Ms. Johnson on the survey draft attached…

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Cost Indices Subgroup – (A) – NAIC Cost Indices Subgroup (A) of the Life Disclosure (A) Working Group 1996-3v2, NAIC Proceedings 917 – 3. Appropriate Use of Cost Indices in Sales of Life Insurance Mr. [Tom] Foley said a subgroup had considered whether there was one cost index that would add to a consumer’s ability…

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Buyer’s Guide Subgroup – NAIC 1995/12/13 – Start of Charge to Revise LIBG 1996/03/25 – Dunlap, Higgins, Kite, Cude – Rewrote LIBG 1996/05/23 –  1996/06/01 –  1996/06/04 – 1996-2 (p696) – Draft (Attachment FIVE 1-A) 1996-1 1996-2 1996-3v1 1996-3v2 1996-3B – NAIC Draft redlined Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Draft – 6p  More Life Insurance…

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