Sam Gutterman The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees All of you have heard of the actuarial black box. This is a situation I will define as one in which actuarial analysis has not been adequately explained to its users. We can eliminate black boxes by more complete disclosure, more time spent with the user explaining…

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Bruce E. Booker Life of Virginia, ACLI – member of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Task Force on Cost Disclosure NAIC – member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Advisory Group on Illustrations 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of…

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James Corcoran [re: Executive Life] The only delay that occurred, there was a 10-day delay between the seizure of the parent company in California and the New York company (ELNY) There was a run on the bank, quite extensive run of the bank in that 10-day period in New York, but the company was able…

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Scott Witt  IULSG – NAIC – Independent Proposal Legal Cases – Expert Witness Actuary 2004 – SOA – Has the Illustrations Regulation Been Successful?, by Scott Witt, Society of Actuaries – 3p 2020 0402 – Scott Witt – A Critical Review of Indexed Universal Life, by Scott Witt – 5p 2020 0506 – Scott Witt…

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Leon Black Apollo Global Management    Drexel Burnham Lambert Epstein Executive Life Insurance Junk Bonds National Financial Services 2023 0725 – GOV – Wyden Unveils Ongoing Investigation Into Private Equity Billionaire Leon Black’s Tax Planning and Financial Ties with Jeffrey Epstein  – Apollo Global Management Co-Founder Has Refused to Answer Key Questions Regarding Epstein Payments,…

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Christopher Swift American International Group, Inc. et al v. Bank of America Corporation et al CountryWide and AIG v Bank of America 2:11-cv-10549 California Central District Court 12/21/2011 – 07/18/2014 D254 – Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Further Opposition To Defendants’ Motion To Dismiss – 45p p18 – Mr. Swift was responsible for communications…

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Halsey Josephson 1976 1021 – NYT – Obituary – Halsey D. Josephson, 70, Author of Seven Books on Life Insurance – [link] In 1954, he founded Probe, a biweekly newsletter of commentary on the American life‐insurance scene. He leaves his wife, the former Ruth P. Goldstein, and two sons, Halsey Jr. and Robert. <WishList> -…

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John Sununu John Sununu – (R-NH) 1997-2003 – US House (January 3, 1997 – January 3, 2003) 2003-2009 – US Senate (January 3, 2003 – January 3, 2009 OFC – Optional Federal Charter Office of National Insurance within the Treasury Department National Insurance Act of 2006 National Insurance Act of 2007 2008 0109 – LexisNexis – The…

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Marcy Kaptur Marcy Kaptur – (D-OH) 1983-Current (as of 2023) – US House (p71) – Marcy KAPTUR (D-OH) – Oh, they are happening, Mr. Paulson. You ought to come and visit us in Ohio and see the results of your handiwork. Hank PAULSON. Well, I know how terrible it is. I am just telling you…

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Alan Richards EF Hutton Life Insurance Company of California  1983 0510, 0511 and 0728 – GOV (House) – Tax Treatment of Life Insurance, Pete Stark (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] (p11) – Alan Richards:  Maybe I can make a very brief comment here. There may be some misunderstanding as to the intent of the SEC-sponsored legislation on front-end loads.…

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