ACLI – People Patrick Baird,AEGON- ACLI Chair – 2008 10 – 2009 10  Brian Bayerle IULWG Robert Beck, Prudential Bruce E. Booker (a member of the American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Task Force on Cost Disclosure and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Advisory Group on Illustrations) 1988 – SOA – Update on Universal…

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Fraudsters Alexander Chatfield Burns 2015 0315 – WSJ – Young Financier’s Insurance Empire Collapses: Investments of insurance companies owned by Southport Lane Management were swapped for unusual and sometimes worthless assets, by Leslie Scism and Markmaremont – [link] James M. Fail 1990 0710- NYT – Panel Hears How Federal Aid Profited a Savings Institution, By Jeff…

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Christian DesRochers Broken down to its simplest basis, Universal Life has eliminated the concept of “plan of insurance”…..  — Christian J. DesRochers 1983 – SOA – Universal Life, Society of Actuaries – 24p 1988 – SOA – The Definition of Life Insurance Under Section 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code, by Christian J. Desrocher, Society of Actuaries -…

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Joe Cassano AIGFP SEC DOJ New York Attorney General’s office 2010 0722 – WSJ – A Set of Scribbled Notes Helped Scuttle AIG Probe, By Thomas Catan And Amir Efrati – [link] AIG – People – FCIC Interviews – mp3s Steve Benzinger – {Negative Basis – Cassano told us, we just didn’t know what it meant}…

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Michael Milken Executive Life, Fred Carr First Capital Life Insurance Company, Robert Weingarten Presidential Life Insurance Company (GSLIC) – Guarantee Security Life Insurance Company  Columbia Savings & Loan Tom Spiegel Maxxam Pacific Lumber 1992 0228 – Los Angeles Times – State Sues Over Failure of Exec Life : Insurance: Regulators say Michael Milken and former officials and…

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Thomas Baxter 2018 1120 – Lessons Learned Oral History Project Interview: Thomas Baxter – 19p YPFS: Since AIG is an insurance company, what was the role of the insurance regulators and their interaction with the Fed during this time? Baxter: The insurance commissioners really didn’t help the rescue of AIG, but they didn’t harm it…

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Michael Aguirre 2009 0522 – Court House News – Financial Planner Says AIG Is Lying – [link] Linda Harris, who runs the Independent Financial Planning Group, says she has recommended AIG products to many clients, and “is legitimately concerned” about AIG’s financial stability “and its ultimate ability to pay any future claims on the underlying policies…

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Larry Gorski Illinois Insurance Department – Actuary They are complaints about things that we can’t do anything about because the contract might be a universal life type product with nonguaranteed elements, and there is no regulatory framework to deal with those issues. Those complaints just fall by the wayside because there is nothing that can…

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Skeptics (p5) – Micheal McRaith – Now, our diverse insurance sector will always include skeptics. 2017 0502 – GOV (Senate) – Examining the U.S.-EU Covered Agreement – [PDF-89p

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Vicky Saporta Executive Director of Prudential Policy Directorate at the Bank of England. Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors 2022 – House of Commons – Treasury Committee – Future of financial services regulation, First Report of Session 2022–23 – 68p <Words: Risk Margin, long-term products, matching adjustment, illiquid…

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