IAIS – People Iuppa – sp? Vicky Saporta Executive Director of Prudential Policy Directorate at the Bank of England. bankofengland.co.uk///victoria-saporta Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors iaisweb.org///victoria-saporta/

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Patricia Mosser Patricia Mosser Federal Reserve Board OFR – Research 2008 0912 – FCIC (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission) – FRB – FRB Patricia Mosser email re AIG, FCIC-AIG0018667 – 3p Situation is a mess — AIG is open to having someone go over/call in tonight to start the process. Any chance you could call in…

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Ralph Nader For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull. (p7) —  Ralph Nader 1973 0220 – GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry, Philip Hart (D-MI) – Part 1 of 4  —  [BonkNote]   —   [PDF-815p-GooglePlay] Many years ago I was sitting in…

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Michael Lewis michaellewiswrites.com/// The Big Short 2009 08 – Vanity Fair – The Man Who Crashed the World, [re: Joe Cassano] by Michael Lewis – [link] 16p – haraldhau.com/The_Man_Who_Crashed_the_World.pdf 2010 0304 – FCIC – Notes from Michael Lewis Interview on the topic of the Origins of CDOs markets in Nonbanks – 1p 2010-10-13 FCIC staff audiotape…

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Peter Wallison American Enterprise Institute FCIC – Financial Crisis Oversight – Member c-span.org/person/?14055/PeterJWallison 1999 0329 – AEI – Speech – The Life Insurance Industry in the Financial Services World of the 21st Century Peter Wallison to ACLI – [link] ? -2009 0317 GOV Perspectives on Regulation of Systemic Risk in the Financial Services Industry 2009…

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Phillip Stano us.eversheds-sutherland.com/People/Phillip-E-Stano 1990 – GOV (Senate) – Impact of Restructuring of the S&L Industry: A Case Study on Bluebonnet Savings Bank 0709 and 0731 – Part 1 – [PDF-1253p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-CSPAN] Phillip E. Stano, General Counsel, Alabama Insurance Department 1998 – LC – Crown v. Casteel – 98-0218 ACLI Brief – Stano 2001 – MDL…

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Mark Hutchings – AIG 2010-06-22 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Mark Hutchings, American International Group, Inc.mp3 UK Investments <->AIGFP?> {Wasn’t told to wind down Securities Lending, He was still Lending as of September 2008} {9x Billion at peak} {held over a barrel, losing money both ways} Ponzi AIG – Matched Investment Program – (MIP)…

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Kevin McGinn – AIG Kevin McGinn – Chief Credit Officer Kevin McGinn – AIG – Nero email – FCIC Interview (mp3) [Bonk:  Who did he tell? Any Documentation?] Bob Lewis FCIC Interview (mp3) – {Kevin told me he told them} 2007 1119 – email – AIG – Paul Narayan to Kevin McGinn – 3p (p2)…

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Damon Silvers – (COP Member / Policy Director for the AFL-CIO)  It seems to me that you’re covering for something. (p43) —  Damon SILVERS, COP Member / Policy Director for the AFL-CIO 2010 1216 – COP – Hearing – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel – [PDF-88p, VIDEO-CSPAN] 2010 0526 – COP – Hearing – TARP…

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David Parks Fackler David Parks Fackler, the assistant actuary, devised what became known as the contribution plan of dividend allocation. 2012 – SOA – Actuarius to Actuary: Chapter 1 – 19p In a paper read before the insurance commissioners in June last Mr. D. P. Fackler said: Many have grave fears of bad results if the…

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