Elizur Wright 1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance – Elizur Wright Let me review again for the Society the history of insurance regulation in the United States and the prominence in that history of one Elizur Wright. He went to England in the mid-1850’s to study actuarial science and to examine the life…

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Secretary of the Treasury – DOTT 1981-1985 – Donald Regan (New Jersey-Republican) 1946-1980 – Merrill Lynch 1971-1980 – Chairman and CEO 1981-1985 – January 22, 1981 February 1, 1985 – Secretary of the Treasury  1985-1987 – White House Chief of Staff  1985-1988 – James Baker (Texas-Republican) 1975-1976 – Under Secretary of Commerce, August 2, 1975 –…

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Gregory Serio 2001-2005 – New York, Superintendent of Insurance 4/5/2001-1/17/2005 2004 0922 – GOV (Senate-Banking) – Examination and Oversight of the Condition and Regulation of the Insurance Industry – [PDF-104p, VIDEO – Error]  2004 1116 – GOV (Senate) – Oversight Hearing on Insurance Brokerage Practices, including Potential Conflicts of Interest and the Adequacy of the Current Regulatory…

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George Miller New York – Superintendent of Insurance Department  1872 0209 – NYT – George W. Miller: Continuation of the Investigation by the Assembly Subcommittee – [link] The Investigation into the charges against George W. Miller, Superintendent of the Insurance Department of this State, was resumed yesterday. 1872 0419 – GOV (New York State) -…

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Jeremy Kress michiganross.umich.edu/faculty-research/faculty/jeremy-kress papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1460509 x-2019 0314 – GOV (Senate-Banking) – Financial Stability Oversight Council Nonbank Designations-mp3- 123p – Video 2022 – Evolving Approaches to Systemic Risk Regulation in Insurance – 26p 2018 – The Last SIFI: The Unwise and Illegal Deregulation of Prudential Financial – 12p 2018 – Activities Are Not Enough!: Why Nonbank SIFI Designations Are Essential to Prevent Systemic…

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Douglas Holtz-Eakin Director of the Congressional Budget Office – 2003-2005 FCIC Member, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission AAF – American Action Forum CBO – Congressional Budget Office FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission 2017 0328 – GOV (House) – The Arbitrary and Inconsistent Non-Bank SIFI Designation Process – [PDF-83p – VIDEO-Youtube] (p29) – Mr. ROSS (R-FL).  …has…

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Mark Van Der Weide Mark Van der Weide Chief of Staff for Policy, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Federal Reserve Deputy Director, Division of Banking  Supervision and Regulation, at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (p21) – Chairman LUETKEMEYER. Thank you. Mr. Van Der Weide, I want to let you know that you gave us…

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Senators Sherrod Brown – (D-OH) Chris Dodd Byron Dorgan Jake Garn – (R-UT) Philip Hart – (Senator – D – MI) Howard Metzenbaum – (D-OH) Jack Reed – (D-RI) Richard Shelby – (R-AL) Elizabeth Warren – (D-MA) Strom Thurmond media.clemson.edu/library/special_collections/findingaids/thurmond/Mss100Thurmond_21_JudiciaryComm.pdf

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