Bill Dooley – AIG

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Roddy Boyd 2010 0904 – AIG: Res Ipsa Loquitur, Roddy Boyd – [link] 2011 – Book – Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG’s Corporate Suicide, Roddy Boyd 2015 0122 – The Foundation for Financial Journalism – The Past Imperfect: Mr. Neuger and Mr. Fitzmaurice Would Like Your Money, Again, by Roddy Boyd -…

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Martin Sullivan – AIG 2010 0617 – FCIC – Transcript of Interview with Martin Sullivan_1.pdf – 139p FCIC Hearing – Phil Angelides FCIC Interview – mp3, pdf Gov Hearings Included in 2007 net income and adjusted net income was a charge of $11.47 billion pretax ($7.46 billion after tax) for unrealized market valuation losses related…

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Sarah Dahlgren She explained that most of the money drawn from the facility went to securities lending counterparties.  Dixie asked how much money was drawn from the facility between September 16 and November 10 when the Maiden Lane transactions were announced. Ms. Dahlgren said “north of $60 billion, but I’d have to verify that. (p2)…

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Judges Judges – Walker v LSW Premiums, Costs and Benefits – Judges —  Mr. Anderson – (p261) 1919 – The Record, American Institute of Actuaries – Individual Reserves in Life Insurance – <Educate Judges> – [PDF- 451p-GooglePlay] Johnston & Johnston v Conseco first principles Father said never to purchase UL California – used to have …

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Martin Grace 2009 – Book – The Future of Insurance Regulation in the United States, by Martin F. Grace and Robert W. Klein -240p 2010 04 – AP – The Insurance Industry and Systemic Risk: Evidence and Discussion, by Martin F. Grace – 40p 2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government…

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Stephen D’Arcy 1985 – AP – Universal / variable life insurance : policy purchase decision, by D’Arcy, Stephen P; Lee, Keun Chang; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. College of Commerce and Business Administration – 58p 1986 – AP – A comparison of universal / variable life insurance with similar unbundled investment strategies, by D’Arcy, Stephen…

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Eden Safarty NOLGHA Q: Guaranty Fund – Who Pays? 1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency [PDF-369p-GooglePlay, <No Video-227/0507 and 0523> –  0509-VIDEO-CSPAN] ->Not on – R 1991 0509 Richard Minck (ACLI) Eden Sarfaty (National Org. Life Health Ins. Guaranty-NOLGHA) Donn Sigerson (Policyholder Thomas Sutton (Pacific Life/ACLI)   1991…

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Barry S. Mulholland Barry Mulholland – Director, Financial Planning Program and Associate Professor of Practice in the Department of Finance, College of Business at The University of Akron – [link] 2013 – AP – Understanding the Shift in Demand for Cash Value Life Insurance, by Barry S. Mulholland – 43p 2014 08 – AP -…

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Michael Rieger – AIG Managing Director, AIG Global Investments Reiger or Rieger? 2010-06-22 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Mark Hutchings, American International Group, Inc._1.wma On the non-granola end, Mike Reiger reports from N.Y.C. that he’s not a hedge fund directors nightmare and cannot possibly go “Nick Leeson” on the world, despite managing an AIG…

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