Benjamin Lawsky New York Insurance Commissioner PBR –  IUL MetLife v FSOC – MetLife – Captive Reinsurance 2013 – Report – NYSID – Shining a Light on Shadow Insurance: A Little-known Loophole That Puts Insurance Policyholders and Taxpayers at Greater Risk, by Ben Lawsky – 24p 2013 0418 – Lecture – Regulating In An…

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Bethany McLean 2005 0516 – FORTUNE / CNN – The Mystery of the $890 Billion Insurer: MBIA guarantees the safety of bonds that fund everything from the Eurotunnel to commercial aircraft to cities across America. A relentless short-seller charges that its business model isn’t sound. Can he be right?, Bethany McLean – <Ackman, Monolines>…

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Byron Dorgan Byron Dorgan – (D-ND) 1981-1992 – US House 1992-2011 – US Senate 1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency [PDF-369p-GooglePlay, <No Video-227/0507 and 0523> –  0509-VIDEO-CSPAN]  1991 0522 – GOV (House) – Certain Issues Related to the Conservatorship of the Executive Life Insurance Company, aka. Executive Life Insurance Failure – [PDF-145p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-CSPAN]…

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Richard Shelby Richard Shelby (R-AL) 1986-1994 – US Senator (Democrat) 1994-2023 – US Senator (Republican) Military AIG  Dodd-Frank 2010 0813 – Letter – Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) to Chris Dodd (D-CT) – 1p Recent press reports have raised concerns…. Because the regulation of insurance falls under the Banking Committee’s jurisdiction, it is the Committee’s obligation…

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Ed Liddy AIG AllState 2009 0402 – Letter – Congressman Gary C. Peters to Liddy – 2p Government Hearings 2009 0318 – American International Group’s Impact on the Global Economy: Before, During, and After Federal Intervention – aka Federal Aid to AIG Insurance, CEO Testimony – [PDF – 380p,   VIDEO-CSPAN] Ed Liddy: Well, our insurance…

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Carolyn Maloney Carolyn Maloney  1993-2023 – US Congress Chair of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) – October 28, 2009 2009 1120 – Letter – NAIC to GOV (Carolyn B. Maloney, Chair Joint Economic Committee) – 1p We are writing to correct a misstatement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the Joint Economic Committee’s November 19,…

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Spencer Kimball 1963 – LR – Regulation of Speciality Policies in Life Insurance, by Spencer L. Kimball and Jon S. Hanson, 62 Michigan Law Review 167 – 93p 1972 – LR – What Price “Price Disclosure”? The Trend To Consumer Protection In Life Insurance, By Spencer L. Kimball and Mark S. Rapaport – 29p Meaningful price disclosure at the…

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Ben Bernanke 1996-2002 – Princeton – Professor / Chair  2002-2005 – Member – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System  2006-2014 – Chair – Federal Reserve (14th)  (p19) – Ben BERNANKE. I think if there is a single episode in this entire 18 months that has made me more angry, I cannot think of…

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Hank Paulson 1970-1972 – Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at The Pentagon[13-wikipedia] 1972-1973 – assistant to John Ehrlichman, White House Domestic Affairs Advisor for President Nixon 1974-2006 – Goldman Sachs 2006-2009 – Secretary of the Treasury, July 10, 2006 – January 20, 2009 2008 03 – DOTT- Blueprint for Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure,…

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Tim Geithner New York Fed Treasury COP FCIC GOV FCIC – Geithner – Finding Aid 2014 – Book – Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, by Tim Geithner MR. BOIES: …But — and for cross-examination, I’m now responding to an assertion made for the very first time that there might be some problem with…

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