Brooksley Born 1996-1999 – Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) – 08/26/96 – 06/01/99 2009 07 –  FCIC – July 2009, Nancy Pelosi appointed Brooksley Born as a commissioner to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC). 1998 0724 – GOV (House) – Testimony Of Brooksley Born, Chairperson Commodity Futures Trading Commission Concerning The…

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Pete Stark Pete Stark (D-CA) 1973-2013 – US House 1987 10 – GAO – Taxation of Single Premium Life Insurance – Briefing Report to the Honorable Fortney H. (Pete) Stark, House of Representatives – Pete Stark (D-CA) – 38p   Stark-Gradison proposal Ways and Means  1985 – GOV – Beck Traditionally, the investment aspects of…

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JFK – John F. Kennedy 1947-1953 – US House – Massachusetts 1953-1960 – US Senate – Massachusetts  1961-1963 1122 – President of the United States (35th), assassination  1961 0421 – NEWS CONFERENCE 10 – By President John F. Kennedy, State Department Auditorium, Washington, D.C. – Third, I am pleased to announce that the Veterans Administration…

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Miles Menander Dawson (MMD) 1889 – Things Agents Should Know: An Intensely Practical Book for Life Insurance Agents 1895 – Principles of Insurance Legislation 1901 – The Development of Insurance Mathematics: Two Lectures Delivered Before the Students in the School of Commerce of the University of Wisconsin, the Fall Term of 1901 1902 – Elements…

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Alan Greenspan 1987-2006 – Chair of the Federal Reserve  Mark Zandi – Book The Greenspan Put Subprime Mortgage FCIC Interview – Weil, Gotschal (sp), Harvey Miller, Bankruptcy Lawyer – ~~ Greenspan – What would be bad about.. Life, automobile, and other insurance sales are virtually riskless and authorizing insurance brokerage sales by banks is…

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Paul Volcker 1979-1987 – Federal Reserve, Chair, August 1979 to August 1987 2009-2011 – Economic Recovery Advisory Board, Chair, February 2009 until January 2011. Volcker Rule 2015 – Volcker Alliance – Prior Proposals to Consolidate Federal Financial Regulators – 188p National Commission on the Public Service Report of the National Commission on the…

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Scott Harrington Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 1991 – AP – Should the Feds Regulate Insurance Company Solvency?, by Scott E. Harrington – 9p 1992 – AP – Policyholder Runs, Life Insurance Company Failures, and Insurance Solvency Regulation, by Scott E. Harrington, 5 Cato Rev Bus & Govt 27, 27 – 11p 2006 0718 – GOV…

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Baird Webel CRS – Specialist in Financial Economics, Congressional Research Service 2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance?, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] 2009 0728 – GOV (Senate) – Regulatory Modernization: Perspectives on Insurance – [PDF-125p, 2011 0914 – GOV (Senate-Banking/SII) – Emerging Issues in Insurance Regulation, Jack Reed (D-RI)  — …

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Melissa Bean Illinois – Congress – 2005 0103 – 2011 0103 2009 0305 – Perspectives on Systemic Risk (Part 1 of 2) 2009 0616- Insurance and Systemic Risk 2009 1006 – GOV (House) – Capital Markets Regulatory Reform: Strengthening Investor Protection, Enhancing Oversight of Private Pools of Capital, and Creating a National Insurance Office – [PDF-325p, 2009…

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Joseph Belth – LC – Belth v. North Carolina Insurance Department A.L. Williams, The Insurance Forum Newsletter – LC – Belth v. New York State Department of Insurance 733 NYS2d 833 FOIA / FOIL 2004 0616 – Schiff’s Insurance Observer – Insurance Regulator Sucks up to Big Insurers: Makes Public Data Secret,…

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