Laura Hanson 2018 0312 – NAIC Proceedings – LIBGWG, Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group – Conference Call NAIC Proceedings The Working Group discussed language suggested by the ACLI defining the different kinds of life insurance policies for inclusion in the section titled, “Compare Different Kinds of Life Insurance.” Laura Hanson (Academy) expressed concern that, in the…

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Scott Harrison First thing that I want to say is that there have been some references to Misleading Illustrations. I’m certainly not aware of the Regulators have not found that Illustrations are misleading. That seems to be just an allegation that is left hanging in the air, which is inaccurate.  The Illustration is not misleading.…

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Chris Kite 2018 0309 – Chris Kite – When IUL becomes VUL – [link]    Here is what I call an IUL Credit Riddle. When does a 0% floor and 12% cap for IUL become a -45% floor and 75% cap and is illustrated at 16%? It can happen with any IUL…

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Academic Scholars Joseph Belth Brenda Cude Stephen D’Arcy Mark Dorfman OC Ferrell Shauna Ferris Martin Grace Sandra Gustavson Gary Gorton Scott Harrington Solomon S. Huebner Jacob Jacoby Spencer Kimball – Law Robert W. Klein Jeremy Kress – Law Thomas S Kuhn – Philosphy David R Lange Patricia McCoy – Law Robert Mehr Barry S. Mulholland…

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Donna Claire Year-? – Chair, Life Financial Soundness/Risk, Management Committee … SVL2/PBA 1988 – SOA – Junk Assets, by Donna Claire, The Actuary – Society of Actuaries – 3p Donna R. Claire is an Actuary at the Equitable life Assurance Society. She is the Secretary of the Individual life Insurance and Annuity Product Development Section, the…

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James C.H. Anderson Jim Anderson 1959-?-? – Georgia International Life Insurance Co.  1964 1021 – The Atlanta Constitution – Lyndon Johnson – p5 1966 0214 – The Atlanta Journal – Great International Life Insurance Co.- p39 1968 1028 – The Atlanta Journal – Abbey International Corp – p30 1972 0109 – The Atlanta Constitution -…

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Anna Rappaport The Actuarial Foundation – Emeritus Trustees – 2023 Until the buyer understands how the product works, attempts to compare price are essentially meaningless. 1972 – SOA – Life Insurance and the Buyer by Anna Rappaport, Society of Actuaries – 2p-Article Everybody has been talking a lot about a paper by James Anderson on…

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President Jimmy Carter   Jimmy Carter (D-GA) 1963-1967 – US State Senator  1971-1975 – Governor of Georgia 1977-1981 – President of the United States Vice President – Walter Mondale (D-MN) Department of the Treasury Secretary of the Treasury 1977-1979 – W. Michael Blumenthal (D-MI) – January 23, 1977 August 4, 1979 1979-1981 – G. William…

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J. Edgar Hoover JFK Assasination 1971 0509 – Washington Post – Hoover Held an Insurance Post, — Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., J. Edgar Hoover — 1p Public Law 98–184 To amend the Act of March 3, 1869, incorporating the H.R. 2479 – Masonic Relief Association of the District of Columbia now known as Acacia…

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George Coleman I think you have to catch people’s attention, and that is all to the good. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994 – SOA – Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 28p George Coleman of Prudential…not an actuary. He’s a lawyer……

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