Judy Faucett Actuary Actuarial Consultant to the NAIC 1991 04 – SOA – Product, Market, and Distribution Strategies, by Judy A. Faucett, The Actuary, Society of Actuaries – 16p Chairperson of the SOA Task Force for Research on life Insurance Sales Illustrations, is Partner at Coopers and Lybrand. 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task…

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Bill Hager Bill Hager youtube.com/@ExpertInsWitness  – 1980s-? –  AAA, American Academy of Actuaries – General Counsel  1986-1990 – Iowa Insurance Commissioner – 7/1/1986 6/1/1990 Universal & Other Plans (A) Task Force – NAIC Product Development Task Force – NAIC Focus Groups 2003 – LC – Fay v Aetna – William Hager – Excerpt – Deposition…

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Michael Lovendusky Michael Lovendusky – (ACLI) Dynamic Contracts – Whistling into the winds of change Trade Secrets Focus Groups Lovendusky vs other ACLI before Michael Lovendusky, association general counsel for ACLI, described the NAIC as a conflicted 137-year-old organization and a 13-year-old organization. The older NAIC, he said, worked well with the insurance industry. “That…

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Charles Trowbridge Actuary – Principal Life Adjustable Life Insurance Adjustable Life is quite different in form from Universal Life, largely because it retains the traditional principle that savings and insurance elements are intertwined–but we shall see that the same objectives can be accomplished. — Charles Trowbridge 1976 – SOA – Adjustable Life Products, Society of…

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Walter Chapin Adjustable Life Insurance, Minnesota Mutual Life Walter Leeds Chapin, Walter L. Chapin 1992 – SOA Obituary, p670-671 A product innovator of extraordinary talent, Mr. Chapin had begun thinking in the 1940s about the possibilities of a flexible life insurance policy, but saw that its complications were then unmanageable. By the 1960s, recognizing that advent…

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George R. Dinney Universal Life Insurance Great-West Life Assurance Company WHO CONCEIVED THIS INSTRUMENT? – Universal Life Insurance Subject to responsibility being accepted (and documented) by somebody else, we hold that the father is George R. Dinney, and the place of conception Winnipeg, Canada. 1981 – SOA – Who Conceived this Instrument?, by EJM, Ernest…

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Tony Spano 1990 – SOA – Quality of Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 16p Tony Spano (ACLI):  I’m going to discuss what Norm referred to as consumer disclosure forms. ⇒  Policy Information for Applicant – Universal Life Policy – NAIC  — [BonkNote] 1993 – NAIC – Policy Information for Applicant – Universal Life – Life Insurance Disclosure…

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Shane Chalke Those illustrations were too aggressive I think. —  Shane Chalke 1995 – SOA – Current Developments Surrounding Regulations and Standards of Life and Annuity Products, Society of Actuaries – 18p 1983 – SOA – Universal Life Valuation and Nonforfeiture: Generalized Model, by Shane A. Chalke and Michael F. Davlin, Society of Actuaries – 72p 1983…

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Ernest J Moorhead (Jack) – EJM There is bound to be a controversial element in anything that enlightens the public to these differences and gives them a more intelligent basis for choice than they have at the present time. — Ernest J. Moorhead 1977 – SOA – Debate Resolved: The Life Insurance Business as Transacted…

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Birny Birnbaum Center of Economic Justice – cej-online.org/ NAIC Consumer Representative Former Insurance Commissioner – Texas Government Hearings FACI IAIS NAIC Consumer Representative Texas Insurance Commission- Former – Title-? The Geneva Association Mr. Birnbaum said the actuaries are limited in two important ways: 1) they are limited by Model #582 because it was designed 30…

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