Strom Thurmond Strom Thurmond (R-SC) 1947 to 1951 – State Governor 1954 to 2003 – US Senator Senate – Democratic Party until 1964, when he joined the Republican Party 1979 1018 – Congressional Record – Senate – (p28738) – STATE VERSUS FEDERAL REGULATION OF INSURANCE Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, one of the recurring issues which comes…

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Dave Ramsey 2022 0908 – The Ramsey Show Highlights – This Is Why Universal Life Insurance Is CRAP! – [VIDEO-YouTube-05:04] TikTok – Young People are gravitating to  UL. Investing in UL.  Commissions made are insane IUL is a newer version of an old bad idea. Components – ART, all life insurance gets more expensive every…

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College Fidelity Union – Carr Always Marco California Legal Case – Judge 3-ring binder DSEF – Direct Selling Education Foundation 2016 – TheDSEF – Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility: DSEF Campus Programs in Action, Direct Selling Education Foundation – [VIDEO-YouTube-02:26] You’ve probably read about the many insurance scams, where agents sold “retirement plans” that were life insurance…

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Roger Blease 2013 0721 – Obituary – [link]  Blease Research Full-Disclosure A.M. Best Company – life insurance analyst Full Disclosure – Whole Life Edition published Whole Life Edition report annually since 1999 2000 – Report – AAA to NAIC (LHATF) – Interim Report of the EMO Work Group To the Innovative Products Working Group Life and…

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Caleb Guilliams BetterWealth The And Asset Dominic Rufran 2022 – NAIFA – Caleb Guilliams, Keynote Speaker, Sponsored by: Guardian – [link] Intro – NAIFA – Apex Keynote Speaker: Caleb Guilliams – [VIDEO-YouTube-01:41]   2022 0928 [0818] – Become The Most Valuable Version Of Yourself | NAIFA Apex Keynote – [VIDEO-YouTube-01:06:52]  I had the privilege of…

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J. Owen Stalson 1938 – AP – The Pioneer in American Life Insurance Marketing, by J. Owen Stalson – <WishList –> 1942 – Book – Marketing Life Insurance; Its History in America, by J. Owen Stalson hathitrust-link – Borrow  [Proquest-link-WishList] – Marketing Life Insurance: Its History in America, STALSON, J OWEN; Hazard, Willis…

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Cody Askins Ultimate Agent – Insurance Reality TV Show  8 Percent Nation 2023 – Book – Zero To Six Figures, by Cody Askins Dad – Brian Askins 2024 0308 – Cody Askins – 3 Ways To Sell Indexed Universal Life Policies As An Insurance Agent! (NEED TO KNOW) – [VIDEO-YouTube-11:25]…

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Robert Fitzpatrick Anti-MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Books 2012 – Book – False Prophets, by Robert Fitzpatrick 2020 – Book – Ponzinomics, by Robert Fitzpatrick 2023 – Book – Direct Selling: A Nonfiction Fable, by Robert Fitzpatrick  Year-? – Pyramid Politics: The FTC’s Long History of Protecting “Multi-Level Marketing”, by Robert L. FitzPatrick – 14p 2020 1112…

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Gerald Ford Gerald Ford (R-MI) 1949-1973 – US House 1973-1974 – Vice President of the United States 1974-1977 – President of the United States (38th) 1973 1128 – Speech – Gerald Ford, Vice President – First Annual Convention of the American Life Insurance Association [ALIA] – 33p   Presidential Management Initiatives JSTOR › stable by…

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Coffeezilla Amish Patel Stephen Findeisen 2023 – [Coffeezilla] / The High Vibration Congregation – @AlwaysMarco Got Sued…AGAIN! Here’s Why! – [Primerica] – [VIDEO-YouTube-13:55] 2023 – LC – Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber – Always Marco  –  Q2303 13143, Court of King’s Bench of Alberta, Edmonton  —  [BonkNote] 2020 1112 – Coffeezilla – The History…

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