Investor Owned Life Insurance For over 200 years there has been a requirement for an insurable interest before someone could purchase a life insurance policy on an insured. Conference of Insurance Legislatures (NCOIL) has adopted a resolution in opposition to the concept of investor owned life insurance. President George W. Bush and members of Congress…

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Rider Ms. Krol asked about the use of the term “riders,” when some states use other terms. Mr. Musgrove agreed that the states do use different terms and pointed out that the survey document notes that riders, endorsements, agreements, etc. all mean about the same thing, and it is indicated in the survey that respondents…

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LifeCycle 1975 0619 – NYT – With “Life-Cycle” Insurance Policies Coverage May Be Changed With Needs (Adjustable Life), by Leonard Sloane – [link-Paywall Free]  Definition – “Life cycle policy” was first used in the publication “With An Eye To Tomorrow”, a report on the Future Outlook Study published by the Institute of Life Insurance in…

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Options Derivatives, Futures, Options, Swaps etc – Government Hearings Options – Investment Strategy Policyholder Options Premium Payment Options 2009 – AP – Implicit Options in Life Insurance, WP 33, by Nadine Gatzert, University of Gallen – 30p The common types of life insurance products discussed in the previous section are usually replete with implicit options.…

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Generic Name Proposed Revision of NAIC Life Insurance Solicitation Model Regulation (ACLI) – October 22, 1982 A Generic Name means a short title which is descriptive of the premium and benefit patterns of a policy or a rider. NAIC Proceedings

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Multitrack / Multi-track Multitrack Policies. For policies which allow a policyowner to change or convert the policy from one plan or amount to another, the Policy Summary: 1) Shall display all indexes and other data assuming that the option is not exercised; and 2) May display all indexes and other data using a stated assumption…

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Vanishing Premium Vanishing Premium – Legal Cases Robert Beck, Prudential, Chairman and Chief Executive Office RE: Vanishing Premium (p6069) – Under some permanent insurance, contracts being sold today, the chances are you could stop paying after 7, 8, or 9 years and the insurance would remain in force for the rest of your life without…

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Accelerated Benefits 1990 – SOA – Accelerated Benefits, Society of Actuaries – 18p 1991 – LR – Death and Taxes: The Taxation of Accelerated Death Benefits for the Terminally Ill, Wayne M. Gazur, University of Colorado Law School – 88p 1991-1A, NAIC Proceedings -Accelerated Benefits Guide Model Regulation, 12/5/1990 – Attachment Two (p544) (D) Disclosure…

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Other Policies Libel Policy – “Lloyds, London, is issuing policies against libel.” – 1922, Weekly Underwriter, p1030 Merriam-Webster Libel: a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression Flamingo Policies – SOA

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IUL – Indexed Universal Life Fixed Indexed Universal Life The ACLI’s Dolan says: “Owners of this product must be aware of exactly how it works, because, unlike certain other types of life insurance, IULs have a fluctuating component to them.” 2020 0923 – Forbes – Sounding The Alarm On Indexed Universal Life Insurance – [link] 2018 -…

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