Surety 1927 – AP – The Guarantee of Mortgage Bonds by Surety Companies, by Edward L. McKenna, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Insurance, Wharton School of Finance and  Commerce – 7p 1961 04 – Summit Fidelity and Surety Company is sold to Milwaukee group for mortgage guarantee. Senator Huey Long (D-LA) – I did not…

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Univoisal Life 1982 – SOA – Programs to Conserve Traditional Life Insurance Policies, Society of Actuaries – 18p George R. Dinney: ….the Flexible Premium nonpar policy has already been challenged by regulatory authorities on the grounds that the difference between the guaranteed premium and the current experience premium is a policy dividend. Let us agree on our…

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PRT – Pension Risk Transfer Pensions De-Risking AAA (American Academy of Actuaries) – 2016 – AAA – Issue Brief: Pension Risk Transfer- [link] — 12p ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers) – Pension De-Risking – [link] MetLife – 2022 – MetLife – 2022 Pension Risk Transfer Poll – [link] – 10p NAIC – CIPR – Pension Risk…

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Credit Life Insurance 1973 1120 – NYT – Obituary: Arthur J. Morris of Credit Plan, 92 – [link] Arthur J. Morris, the banker and financier who created the Morris Plan, which made consumer credit available to working people, died yesterday at Phelps Memorial Hospital, North Tarrytown. He was 92 years old and lived here. On April…

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Current Assumption Whole Life – Current Assumption Whole Life Current assumption whole life is a variation of traditional whole life that lies somewhere between adjustable life and universal life. Its cash value development is more like that of universal life than any other policy. It has a redetermination feature that essentially recasts the premium amount,…

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Market Value Adjusted MAV – Market-Adjusted Valuation 1985 – SOA – New Product Accounting Alternatives, Society of Actuaries – 26p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n29) – 22p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n33) – 34p 1986 – SOA – Market Value Adjusted Products (rsa86v12n4b3) – 30p 1991 – SOA – Selecting an…

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No-Load We have marketed what we call a no-load annuity for about three years. It is in fact no-load if it survives until retirement when it is converted to a monthly income form. There is, however, a 15% commission paid in the first year except at older ages where it is less. We have the…

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Irreplaceable Life – Executive Life RALPH H. GOEBEL: We have an irreplaceable life type product that on the surface is a straight ordinary life policy. You can also look at it as a type of Universal Life product where the fixed premium builds up at a relatively high interest rate such as ten percent. Charges…

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Policy Categories – Blurry ROLAND R. ROSE: Is your particular first-to-die product a universal life or a par whole life design? MICHAEL J. ROSCOE: Depending on who you talk to, it’s an interest-sensitive whole life or a fixed premium universal life, but it’s not a par whole life policy. 1991 – SOA – Product Update -…

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FPUL – Fixed Premium Universal Life Current Assumption Whole Life 2005 – SOA – Determining Guideline Premiums for Fixed-Premium Universal Life Insurance Contracts, by John T. Adney, Brian G. King and Craig R. Springfield – 6p 1988-2, NAIC Proceedings – (p411)  Date: May 16, 1988 To: Dave Becker From: Doug Doll Subject: Fixed Premium Universal Life In…

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