Narrative Summary The narrative summary consists of: (1) a brief description of the policy being illustrated and the statement that the policy being illustrated is a life insurance policy; (2) a brief description of the premium outlay or contract premium as applicable for that policy; (3) a guaranteed maturity premium to keep the policy in…

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Dynamic Products NGEs Policyholder Behavior George Coleman said he hoped this is a dynamic document. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994-, NAIC Proceedings This paper develops a model which can be used to help life insurance consumers decide how much insurance to purchase. The original…

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Surplus Lines of Insurance 1981 – SOA – Asset Management for an Insurance Company, Society of Actuaries – 14p NAIC Surplus Lines (C) Task Force – [link]   Surplus Lines (C) Working Group – [link]   2010 0722 – CRS – Surplus Lines Insurance: Background and Current Legislation – 9p 2021 Excess and Surplus Lines Laws in the United…

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Endowment Policies 1975-1, NAIC Proceedings – Some Problems With Special Endowment Policies: A Report – (p750) annual pure endowment (APE)

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Group Life Insurance 1955 – SOA – Funding of Group Life Insurance, Charles L. Trowbridge – 16p 2015 – LC – 15-56371 – Susan Salyers v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co –  [link-Youtube] 2016 – LC – 14-1944 – Hawkins, et al v. Aetna Life Insurance Company, (Tenneco) – 8p

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Side Fund Actuaries have long known that the mechanics of a side fund, with deductions for decreasing term insurance, parallel the mathematical structures of the reserve and cash value in traditional products. Applying this analysis to universal life, both the reserve and the cash surrender value have been expressed in terms of a side fund,…

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Monolines Bond Insurers ACA Ambac FSA – Financial Security Assurance MBIA Financial Guarantee Insurance Financial Guarantors Bond Wraps Bill Ackman Eric Dinallo – 2007 01 – 2009 07 – New York State Superintendent of Insurance 1998 – SOA – Credit Enhancement of Guaranteed Investment Contracts and Funding Agreements, Society of Actuaries – 14p 2003 – Monoline Insurance & Financial Guaranty…

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Financial Guarantee Insurance Monolines Bond Insurers FRB – Federal Reserve Board NAIC – Financial Guarantee Study Group Model Financial Guarantee Insurance Act SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission The financial meltdown that began in 2007 revealed problems with financial guarantee insurers and regulation of these insurers.  2011 – JIR / NAIC – Financial Guarantee Insurance…

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Stable Value Prior to the Executive Life Insurance Company (ELIC) default there was no such thing as a stable value fund… —  Murray L. Becker 1999 – SOA -Insurance Company Failures of the Early 1990s-Have We Learned Anything?, Society of Actuaries – 25p 2011 – SEC-CFTC Stable Value Contract Study – Study of Stable…

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Minimum Deposit Plan 1959 – SOA – Report on the Regulation of Minimum Deposit Plan, Society of Actuaries – 3p 1983 – SOA – Individual Life Insurance, Society of Actuaries – 22p 2021 0202 – Joseph Belth – No. 408: A Recent Change in the Federal Income Tax Law Designed to Benefit Wealthy Life Insurance…

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