Tontine In his opinion the present trend toward these old tontine-like form of dividends is unfortunate and damaging to the business of life insurance and will end in restrictive measures by the government authorities. —  Arthur Pedoe 1951 – SOA – General Session, Society of Actuaries – 15p Tom Foley (FL) said this sounded very…

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Permanent Plan of Insurance Permanent Plan Permanent Life Insurance Why is Universal Life Insurance sometimes called Whole or Permanent? Universal Life as Permanent / Whole / Other Term Perm The … company is to determine for itself which of its plans are to be treated as term insurance and which as permanent. The original instructions…

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Policy Conversion The option of conversion to permanent insurance without evidence of insurability began to be common in term policies on this continent during the 1890’s. 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p

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Permanent Plan Plan of Insurance The 818(c) election is another issue that is being looked at by the Service. In the Hutton ruling, the Service specifically took a caveat indicating that they were saying nothing with respect to this issue. One question that was discussed briefly was what was the plan of insurance? How do you know whether…

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Taxonomy – Changes – Term to Permanent A few companies have introduced a product known as Universal or Total Life. The concept involves…the company withdraws an amount sufficient to pay the premiums for an annual renewable term coverage for the amount selected for the for the current policy year. (p70) 1982 – Book – Life…

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Modified Premium Whole Life Out of curiosity, I examined Conning and Company’s printed studies on twenty-two large stock life insurance companies … Among those companies showing a more rapid growth in the whole life and endowment account, I found the following changes had transpired between 1961 and 1966:  (2) modified premium whole life policy had…

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Group Universal Life Insurance WILLIAM R. BRITTON, JR: We will take a current assessment of this phenomenon called group universal life (GUL). I’ll begin with overview and history, Ms. Herz will discuss reasons that employers and employees are interested in GUL, how well it is being accepted, and the market outlook. Mr. Duncan will concentrate…

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Specific Policies Aetna – Voya – Aeconoflex – AEconomaster Aeconoflex 2019 – ACLI – Cost of Insurance in the News – 16p 1983 1010 – Forbes – Aetna [Voya] – Aeconoflex – p147 AEconomaster – [Bonk: approximately 1979-1983-?] 1980 – SOA – Non-Participaring Life Products with Non-Guaranteed Premiums (rsa80v6n32), Society of Actuaries – 22p James A. Geyer: I would like now…

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Policies – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Accelerated Benefits Adjustable Life Descriptions Adjustable Life Insurance Adjustable Life Insurance – Index American Amicable – Horizon Life Insurance Annuities ART – Annual Renewable Term Back to top B Bank-like Back to top C Cancer Insurance Cannibal Life Cash Value Life Insurance Completely Flexible Life Insurance Plans Complex Products Coupon…

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Adjustable Life – Descriptions Adjustable Life Insurance: a type of insurance that allows the policyholder to change the plan of insurance, raise or lower the face amount of the policy, increase or decrease the premium, and lengthen or shorten the protection period. (p109/G1) 2002 – IAIS/World Bank – Supervision of Insurance Operations – 140p *Adjustable Life…

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