Zero Return, Still Have COI – So the Account Value Can Go Down 2024 0308 – Cody Askins – 3 Ways To Sell Indexed Universal Life Policies As An Insurance Agent! (NEED TO KNOW) – [VIDEO-YouTube-11:25] 6 – Performance “You can get a Zero. Everybody’s selling that there is Zero Risk. Everything has risk.” “Can the floor…

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No Premium Due Commissioner Willis (DC) said the trouble with disclosing that the premium might at some point “resume” is that the premium never stopped. It is misleading to make a consumer think the premium is not being paid. [Bonk: Vanishing Premium, Policy Mechanics, Cash Flow, Work) 1994-3, NAIC Proceedings 1983 0206 – Fort Lauderdale News -…

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IRR – Internal Rate of Return 2021 – AP – A Study of Life Internal Rate of Return, by Roenganan, Sorrawee & Misiran, Masnita & Phewchean, Nattakorn. (2021). A Study of Life Internal Rate of Return. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS. 20. 122-133 – [link]

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Pricing Assumptions Actually, all of us know it is one thing to build into your pricing assumptions a certain rate of return, but it is quite another thing to find out what rate of return you are actually experiencing. —  Owen A. Reed 1981 – SOA – Effective Use of Capital, rsa81v7n312, Society of Actuaries…

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Net Cost A. “Net cost formulas at present in use for participating insurance should be superseded by a sound net cost formula which would include the investment value of the premium dollar and ignore the averaging of dividends.” In view of the above and similar criticisms, are the traditional average net cost and average net…

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Volatility Volatility – Walker v LSW  I think you really have to make sure that people understand volatility, whether you solve for a policy blowing up or values being halved. I think you have to catch people’s attention, and that is all to the good. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC…

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Front-end Loads (p10) – Claude Y. Pauquin: Another thought that I had on the front-end load is that “what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If the SEC successfully attacks the principle of front-end load in mutual funds, it might also destroy the marketing approach of the life insurance business, especially…

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BGA – Benefit Generating Account This creature called universal life has evolved from a combination of term insurance and a flexible premium annuity to a range of differing products with various design features. Common to any of these variations is the fact that future cash values cannot be determined completely at issue. Cash values (and…

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