Premiums and Benefits – Expert Witnesses Q. Do you recall the vanishing premium litigation? A (Wilcox): Very well. Q. Would you agree that the sales practices that were used in the vanishing premium — in selling those policies was problematic? MR. HIGGINS: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS (Wilcox): In a limited number of cases, that was true. But again, that’s…

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Premiums and Benefits – Lawyers 13-30010-Johnston-and-Johnston-v-Conseco-12 13-30010-Johnston-and-Johnston-v-Conseco-13 2013 – Johnston & Johnston v. Conseco Life Insurance Co. MP3- link download   12-56937-Johansen-v.-American-General Life 3:14 – Lawyer – It’s not like a normal policy.

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Premiums and Benefits – Judges —  Mr. Anderson – (p261) 1919 – The Record, American Institute of Actuaries – Individual Reserves in Life Insurance – <Educate Judges> – [PDF- 451p-GooglePlay] 13-30010-Johnston-and-Johnston-v-Conseco-20 13-30010-Johnston-and-Johnston-v-Conseco-29 2013     Johnston & Johnston v. Conseco Life Insurance Co.   MP3 2013-Thao-v-Midland-14 2013-Thao-v-Midland-17

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Premiums and Benefits – Congress I think any way that we can make illustrations more understandable to the public is certainly going to help us. We’ve seen the problems that have occurred when Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) was given an illustration with a vanishing premium, and he had absolutely no idea that he had bought…

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Premiums and Benefits – Agents JEFFREY STEMLER, Agent: This is — when we are sitting down talking about insurance, we try to explain to the prospects exactly how the insurance works. So this is part of our talk that we give to explain how it works. So this would be a build slide. This didn’t…

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Premium and Benefits – Market Conduct 6. Agreed to Discuss Universal Life Policies Kim O’Brien (Americans for Asset Protection-AAP) said: … there is a growing problem with universal life insurance policies that is hitting the elderly particularly hard. Due to the low interest rate environment, policies purchased 10 and 20 years ago require additional premiums…

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Premiums and Benefits – Reserves The 1980s ushered in the era of universal life policies. While such universal life policy features as flexible premiums, current and guaranteed cost of insurance scales, guaranteed maturity funds and guaranteed maturity premiums added a few wrinkles to the calculation process, the fundamentals of generating policy reserves remained fairly intact.…

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Premiums and Benefits – Universal Life – Math Policy Mechanics Its fundamental “mechanics” are indistinguishable from those underlying traditional life insurance products. [Bonk: Its = Universal Life] —  Samuel H. Turner, President, The Life Insurance Company of Virginia 1982 – Journal of Insurance Medicine – 1p

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Premiums and Benefits – How Universal Life Works – Concept Broken down to its simplest basis, Universal Life has eliminated the concept of “plan of insurance”…..  — Christian J. DesRochers 1983 – SOA – Universal Life, Society of Actuaries – 24p In fact, it is accurate to describe Universal Life as a generalized version of the…

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