1871-1, NAIC Proceedings 1871-1, NAIC Proceedings, (fka National Insurance Convention)  —  [BonkNote]  —  233p (p49) – Solvency, Lapse-supported (p50-51) – Life Insurance Chart The experience of most companies shows that about  one half of the policies lapse within ten years from the date of their issue; and probably not more than one-quarter of the policies issued in…

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2009 – Life Insurance and Annuities Committee – NAIC LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES (A) COMMITTEE Sunday, April 7, 2019 3. Discussed Issues with AG 49 and IUL Policies Mr. Yanacheak said there have been several stories in the news lately about indexed universal life (IUL) policies. In particular, IUL policies that use indexed return multipliers…

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1995-4 Exhibit 6D.2 Universal Life Nonforfeiture Value Calculations {No Increase COIs and Credited Interest in (5) and (6)} Issue Age 55 1995-4, NAIC Proceedings Annual Statement Re-engineering Project 1996 Consumer Priorities for NAIC Market Conduct and Consumer Affairs (EX3) Subcommittee 5. Consider the Life Insurance (A) Committee Nov. 27. 1995r Minutes Concerning Adoption of the…

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1996-3v2 Summaries of Plans The company shall prepare a Summary of each Plan which shall be provided to each policyowner with the issuance of the policy. The summary shall comply with requirements as set forth in the NAIC Model Regulation. Each summary shall describe the basis of policy owner expectations, but is not expected to…

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1986-1 National Association of Insurance Commissioners External Communication Plan – September 8, 1985 External Communication Project Rational Objective – To increase awareness of state insurance departments as a primary source of consumers information about insurance products. Strategy  – To offer buying tips and to solicit questions on a specific insurance product. (p95)  1986-1, NAIC Proceedings

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1992-2b (p1049) – LIFE & HEALTH ACTUARIAL (TECHNICAL) TASK FORCE Proposed new NAIC Model Regulation for Valuing Life Insurance Policies (Attachment One-H)   ………..1084 Proposed new Actuarial Guideline EEE, Valuation Requirements of “Term-Like” Universal Life Insurance Products (Attachment One-1)…..1109 Letter Describing Work of American Academy of Actuaries Committee on Life Insurance on Sales Illustrations and Non-guaranteed…

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1993-1 LIFE INSURANCE (A) COMMITTEE Monitor the activity of the Life Disclosure Working Group as it considers establishing requirements for policy illustrations or ledger information disclosed or made available to consumers of life insurance.  Review the appropriate time for delivery of the Guide to Buying Life Insurance After Age 60. Survey consumers to evaluate the…

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2007-1 2. Discussion on Committee Charge to Review Consumer Guides Executive Director McPeak discussed the Committee’s charge to review and revise, as necessary, the Buyer’s Guides to Fixed Deferred Annuities in conjunction with Appendix A of the Annuity Disclosure Model Regulation and the Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide in conjunction with Appendix A of the Life…

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1989-1 4a Special Plans – Universal Life – Review Regulators Problems with Model Adopted (Product Development Task Force) (On hold) Universal Life The advent of universal life brought with it many nonforfeiture concerns. Unlike adjustable life, where a current plan is defined, but is subject to change, a universal life policy at any time has…

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1989-2 5. Report of the Financial Services and Insurance Regulation (EX) Task Force Commissioner William Hager (Iowa) presented the report noting that the task force had adopted amendments to the Model Act Relating to Unfair Methods of Competition and Deceptive Acts and Practices in the Business of Insurance to address the issue of insurance agents…

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