Q: Who Was Responsible for the Actions of AIGFP? Andrew Forster – Alan Frost Others – Andrew Forster Joseph Cassano – 2010 0630 – FCIC Hearing – AIG Inc. Credit Risk Committee Kevin Mcginn – FCIC Interview – Cassano

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Q: How Involved Was Gary Gorton With The AIGFP MultiSector CDS Business? Joe Cassano – FCIC Interview (mp3) – Involved Alan Frost – FCIC Interview (mp3) – Involved Andrew Forster – FCIC Interview (mp3) – Involved Gary Gorton – FCIC Interview (mp3) – Not Involved 2002-2006 Gene Parks – FCIC Interview (mp3) – Not Involved …

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Q: Did Companies Buy Insurance On AIG From AIG? FCIC Interview – MP3 – Alan Frost? FCIC Interview – MP3 – Michael Burry / Dixie Noonan In addition, many banks have purchased credit protection from AIG on CDS contracts that AIG had written to protect the banks against losses on super-senior asset backed security (ABS)…

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Q: Was The Securities Lending A Cause of AIG Problems? 2020 03 – Yale – YPFS – The Rescue of American International Group, Module B: The Securities Borrowing Facility – 18p At some points, AIG accepted collateralization levels as low as 80% (from Credit Suisse) and 73% (from Barclays)7 (Hutchings 2010). As markets roiled throughout…

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Q: AIGFP and AIG Securities Lending – Connected? Q: Who At AIG Was Responsible for Securities Lending? Outside of the holding co., the insurance subs have about $68B in securities lending liabilities to the 12 largest firms. Program is managed by the holding company (AIG Financial Products). 2008 0912 – FCIC – 2008-09-12 Alejandro LaTorre…

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Q: FSOC – Are Companies Told Why They are Designated SIFIs? GOV – Gary Hughes (ACLI) Woodall ….FSOC says, ‘‘You are systemically dangerous,’’ and a natural question is: Why? The FSOC should have to state why they are dangerous and then be able to turn to their primary regulator and say, ‘‘Can you take care…

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Who Can Call Themselves an Actuary? Quoting Humpty-Dumpty, “When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean,” the speaker predicted that the day is passing when the word “actuary” can be used by anybody to mean whatever that person chooses it to mean. Those who apply the word “actuary” to…

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Q: What is this Case About? – Walker v LSW (p28-29) – Mr. Shapiro (Defense Attorney): It’s a disclosure case. What did you sell us and were you honest about it? 2011 0830 – DOC 104 – Discovery Conference – Transcript for proceedings – 130p (p23) – Mr. Shapiro (Defense Attorney): And on that basis, your…

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Q: Should the Insurance Industry Be Looked At? It is hard to fix a system that has not been analyzed.  (p14)  —  J. Robert Hunter (CFA) 2003 0506 – GOV (House) – Increasing the Effectiveness of State Consumer Protection – [PDF-123p, VIDEO-?]  My staff has conducted a major investigation of these issues. I must say today…

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