Q: How Do Agents Use Life Insurance Illustrations? How do Agents use these? It would be good to hear from agents. —  Richard Wicka, WI-Chair) 2018 12 – NAIC – Life Insurance Illustrations Issues Working Group 2017 – State Farm Agent Training / Van Mueller Approximately 2:11 – “I don’t ever use an illustration.”  See…

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Q: Who at AIG Was Responsible for Securities Lending? AIGFP and AIG Securities Lending – Connected? Outside of the holding co., the insurance subs have about $68B in securities lending liabilities to the 12 largest firms. Program is managed by the holding company (AIG Financial Products). 2008 0912 – FCIC – 2008-09-12 Alejandro LaTorre Email…

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Q: What Was The Relationship Between AIGFP and the Insurance Subsidiaries? Outside of the holding co., the insurance subs have about $68B in securities lending liabilities to the 12 largest firms. Program is managed by the holding company (AIG Financial Products). 2008 0913 – FCIC – FRB (Brian Peters/NY/FRS) -FRBNYAIG00510 – 2p – <includes: 2008 0912 – FCIC…

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Q: Can the Insurance Industry Create Systemic Risk? Assimilation of banking-type activities by life insurers appears to be the key systemic vulnerability. 2003 – IMF – Insurance and Issues in Financial Soundness. IMF working paper 03/138. Das U, Davies N, Podpiera R – 44p Paper – Concepts for Successful Regulation of Systemic Risk Section 1: Identification of…

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What is the NAIC? It is unprecedented that the Federal Government would give such power to a private trade association—I repeat, a private trade association—or to what NAIC immediate past resident Walter Bell of Alabama in an April 9, 2007, letter called: ‘‘a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with voluntary membership and not a State government entity.’’…

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Q: AIG – Where Did The Money Go? Q: AIG – Where Did the Money Go? – Securities Lending 2009 0315 – AIG Press Release – AIG Discloses Counterparties To CDS, GIA And Securities Lending Transactions – 6p Hank Greenberg (Former AIG CEO) – FCIC Interview – mp3 <78B?> She explained that most of the money drawn from…

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Q: Is Universal Life Insurance a Traditional Product? Due to the unique nature of universal life products, a number of states have issued guidelines governing the sale of such products. These guidelines address contractual requirements as well as policyholder disclosure procedures. —  Leonard E. Odell, ACLI 1981 – SOA – Universal Life (RSA81V7N412), Moderator: Samuel H.…

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Q: How Does This System Work? We believe it is very important for the subcommittee, and other committees in Congress with jurisdiction over insurance, to have a sound understanding of how our industry operates….. (p26) —  Gary Hughes (ACLI) 2011 0728 – GOV (House) – Insurance Oversight: Policy Implications for U.S. Consumers, Businesses and Jobs…

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