Consumer Representatives Birny Birnbaum Brenda Cude CFA-Consumer Federation of American Consumer Reports Members of the NAIC Market Conduct & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee Advisory Committee    Mr. Hunter then discussed the matter of consumer representation on the committee and stated his viewpoint that if this truly is to be a market conduct and consumer affairs subcommittee, there…

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PBR – Principles-Based Reserves 2007 – SOA -Treading into the Thicket: Federal Income Tax Implications of Principles Based Reserves, by Christian DesRochers and Douglas N. Hertz, Society of Actuaries – 86p 2016-1 – NAIC – Implementing Principle-Based Reserves for Life Insurers: A Discussion Paper – 27p March 28, 2016, New York Life, NAIC Proceedings –…

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Readability / Plain Language / Flesch By readability, I do not mean the use of two syllable words, three word sentences and a high score on the Flesch test. What I mean is the ability to communicate what you are, in fact, offering in your contracts and the words the agent uses to explain the…

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NGEs – Non-Guaranteed Elements Assumptions Cost of Insurance – COI Interest Rate Non-Guaranteed Elements Work Group – NGEWG – AAA 2022 – SOA – Overview of Nonguaranteed Elements (NGEs), Society of Actuaries – 22p I have a theory that the difficulties the life industry faced with illustrations, including the billions lost in lawsuits, stemmed from…

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NAIC – National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC – Index NISC – National Insurance Supervisory Commission RESOURCES (p12) – Michael McRaith (IL – NAIC) – The NAIC maintains the world’s largest insurance database. 2009 0616 – GOV (House) – Systemic Risk and Insurance, CSPAN (Insurance and Systemic Risk) – [PDF-181p, NAIC Library – [link] Proceedings…

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