Insurance Regulation – Purpose Policyholder Protection Solvency of Companies PRELIMINARY COMMENT: The principal goal of insurance regulation has always been to prevent insurer insolvencies. It is pursued in various ways. 1969 0821- Wisconsin – 1969 Senate Bill 525 – Chapter 646 – Insurance Security Fund 

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Walker v LSW – Insurance Regulation 2011 – LC – Walker v LSW – 2:10-cv-09198 – Document 104 – Filed 09/29/11 re: California Insurance Commission – Complaints Mr. Shapiro: Yes, your honor. And on this one I think I do need to clarify. There’s a fairly rigid process with the department of insurance here in…

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Safety and Soundness Safety and Soundness v. Consumer Protection Twin Peaks (p3) – Barney Frank (D-MA) –  I was told by one of the regulators, well, we can do regulation of consumer protections under our power to enforce safety and soundness on the banks, the argument being that a bank that does not treat consumers…

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CRVM – Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method 1979 – SOA – Adjustable Life Expense Allowances Under The Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method, Society of Actuaries – 36p 1984-1, NAIC Proceedings, Reserves Examples 1994 – SOA – Valuation Actuary Symposium Proceedings – Sessions 8 – Life and Deferred Annuity Life and Deferred Annuity Liability Models, Society of Actuaries – 32p 1994…

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Supervised Insurance Organizations

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Deceptive Trade Practices Deceptive DTPA – Deceptive Trade Practices Act Crown v Casteel 2000 – LR – Deceptive Trade Practices – Consumer Protection Act, by A. Michael Ferrill and Leslie Sara Hyman – 35p In Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. v. Haney,8 a life insurance agent brought DTPA claims against MetLife complaining of inaccurate policy illustrations generated…

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Smoothness (p1063) – 14. Disclosure and Sales Illustration Practice The actuarial task force has become aware of two professional actuarial groups which are now studying sales illustrations for life insurance contracts. Presentations on behalf of both these groups were made at the December 1991 actuarial task force meeting. Judy Faucett commented on the work of the…

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Unsuitable 1979 – LR – Remedies for the Buyer or Beneficiary of an Unstable Life Insurance Plan, by Wilbur C. Leatherberry, 32 Rutgers L. Rev. 431 – 53p

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Prudential Regulation 2014 08 – SOA – Downside of Prudential Regulation: Lower Liquidity, By Ira Jersey, Risk Management, Society of Actuaries – 4p

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Dynamic Solvency Testing – DST Dynamic Financial Condition Analysis Handbook – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1993 – SOA – The Potential Role of Dynamic Solvency Testing in Preventing Insolvencies of Insurance Companies: A Historical Perspective, by Robert S. Fillingham, Society of Actuaries – 30p

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