DOL – Fiduciary Rule DOL – Definition of the Term “Fiduciary” Proposed Rule – Historical Information – Conflict of Interest Rule Sutherland – List of Links – 2023 1110 – ThinkAdvisor – The 2 Biggest Fights Brewing Over DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule, By Melanie Waddell – [link] This aspect of the new rule…

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Twisting Churning Replacements We have all heard some talk about twisting, and it has strong negative connotations. Universal Life, mainly because of its premium flexibility, has changed that. I recently heard one of our marketing people refer to replacement of old traditional permanent policies with Universal Life. He called it “The Enlightened Liberation of Assets”.…

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Moratorium Moratorium Stay Contractual  State Courts 1992 0428 / 0505 – GOV – Insurance Guaranty Funds and the Involuntary Transfer of Insurance Policies, aka Insurance Policy Transfers – Metzenbaum [Both Dates PDF-629p-GooglePlay, 0428-No Video / 0505-VIDEO-CSPAN- Insurance Policy Transfers]->Not on  Senate – Committee on the Judiciary – Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights Metzenbaum, 0505 (1:41)…

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Regulators – AIG – FCIC YPFS: Since AIG is an insurance company, what was the role of the insurance regulators and their interaction with the Fed during this time? Baxter: Part of the reason some people were not comfortable that the Trust owned 80% of AIG was because the investment could be subject to the…

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IIPRC – Insurance Compact IIPRC – Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission – Insurance Compact NCOIL collaborated with the NAIC and the NCSL to develop a successful Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact, IPRC, a speed to market vehicle for life insurance products now in force in 41 jurisdictions. 2011 0728 and 1025 – GOV (House) -…

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Economic Scenario Generator (ESG) Academy’s Economic Scenario Generator Work Group 16. Discussed the ESG Implementation Timeline and Overview of Treasury Model Pat Allison (NAIC) reviewed the implementation timeline for the economic scenario generator (ESG) (Attachment TwentyFive). She noted that the first three milestones have been completed and reminded the audience that the presentation given to the Task…

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Twin Peaks Regulation “twin peaks” “regulation” “reputational” GOV Video – ?? 1st COP Hearing – Sununu

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Regulatory – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Actuarial Guidelines Actuarial Guideline 38 Aetna v. Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner AIG – Insurance Regulators AIG – Securities Lending – Insurance Regulators Anti-Trust ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice Back to top B Bank-like Basel Benefits Best Interest Standards Back to top C Capital Standards CARVM – Commissioners Annuity Reserve Valuation…

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Regulatory Regulatory Forbearance Regulatory Reform Regulation Deregulation Functional Regulation Securities Regulation State vs Federal Regulation 2022 1109 – AP – Regulatory Competition in the US Life Insurance Industry, Johnny Tang – 88p Competition between jurisdictions is a central feature of many public policy problems. I examine the consequences of such competition in the US life insurance…

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Regulatory Reform 2009 – Financial regulatory reform: a new foundation. Rebuilding financial supervision and regulation, Department of Treasury – 89p Regulatory Reform Task Forces 1995 0308 – Regulatory Reform [VIDEO-CSPAN] Senate Governmental Affairs Committee members heard testimony from witnesses concerning regulatory reform issues, including whether cost/benefit analysis and risk assessments should be conducted before new regulations are put…

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