Regulators – Time in Office As Steve mentioned, I’ve had the privilege of serving as Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance for just less than two years and given the history of tenure of commissioners….. I may be becoming an endangered species. —  Stephen Selcke, Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance 1993-2, NAIC…

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Solvency II Solvency II came into effect on 1 January 2016,reduce%20the%20risk%20of%20insolvency. Europa – Risk management and supervision of insurance companies (Solvency 2) – [link] Bank of England – Solvency II- [link] 2006 – JIR / NAIC – Modernizing Insurance Solvency Regulation: Evidence from the UK – 21p With respect to insurance companies, Douglas et al.…

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Capital Standards ICS – Insurance Capital Standards – IAIS Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) – I believe to protect those that are relying on the bond insurers’ capitalization, I believe the superintendent of the New York Insurance Department could have raised the capital standards. Governor SPITZER. Sir, I think you misapprehend— Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) I believe there…

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Policyholder Protection Consumer Protection The fundamental tenet of our U.S. system is to protect policyholders by ensuring the solvency of the insurer and its ability to pay insurance claims. (p36) —  Prepared Statement of Kevin M. McCarty, Commissioner Florida Office of Insurance Regulation – On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance  2015 0428 – GOV…

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Bank-Like The regulation provides for the pre-funding of cash values, so that the amounts will be available upon policyholder demand, and will not be contingent upon sufficient surplus being available at that time to cover what is the equivalent to a demand deposit. The regulation relies heavily on the NAIC Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation…

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Macroprudential versus Microprudential Regulation Common Exposures Contagion Liquidity modeling Mass lapses macroprudential surveillance Systemic amplifiers Triggers NAIC Liquidity Stress Testing (LST) Framework NAIC MACROPRUDENTIAL INITIATIVE (MPI) – [link] Macroprudential Task Force (MPTF) of the American Academy of Actuaries Common Exposures 269 For instance, in 1991 six major life insurers, each with over $4 billion in…

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Deregulation It is an exciting time in the financial services industry today. Banks want to sell insurance. Insurance companies want to sell securities. Sears Roebuck wants to sell everything. I will discuss the insurance activities of banks and bank holding companies — Charles Eggleston, not a member of the Society, is a Senior Manager at…

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IAIS – International Association of Insurance Supervisors IAIS – Index IAIS – Documents IAIS – Holistic Framework IAIS – Universal Life Insurance COB – Conduct of Business NTNI – Nontraditional and Non-insurance Corporate Governance AAA – IAIS NAIC – IAIS   Activities-Based Approach (ABA) Behavioral-Based Approach Comframe ComFrame Standards ComFrame Guidance Entity-Based Approach…

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Principle-Based Reserving (PBR) REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF THE PRINCIPLE-BASED RESERVING  STATE RESOURCE SURVEY Presented to the Principle-Based Reserving Implementation (EX) Task Force of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners NAIC Spring National Meeting Houston, TX April 6, 2013

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ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice Practice Notes One of my concerns is that we have Practice Notes that people may not be looking at, which in a court of law could be used against you. Read the ASOP; read the regulation and get your hands on the Practice Notes and do what the…

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