1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance – Elizur Wright 1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance, by Elizur Wright  – 265p  —  [BonkNote]  —  [GooglePlay-link] [Bonk[ – <SIV> – “Self Insurance Value” / <CIV> – “Company Insurance Value” “insured by company” – Charts (p12)  – Consequently, the insurance done by …the…

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GovernmentAttic governmentattic.org/ https://www.governmentattic.org/ExecBr_N-Z_docs.html Written responses from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to Congressional Committees, 2010-2013 – 422p Two (2) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Documents: Report on Continental Illinois, 1985 and Current Issues in Systemic Risk (Too Big To Fail), 1995 – 260p governmentattic.org/4docs/SEC-FOIA-Logs_2008-2011.pdf 08-05283-FOIA, MBIA Inc Belth, Joseph The Insurance Forum 3/25/2008 Responses to Questions for…

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Websites ethicaledgeconsulting.com/ glenndaily.com/ kitces.com/ Morningstar PBS thekomisarscoop.com/ 2004 1117 – Cooking the Insurance Books: A Decade of Lax Regulation Lays Groundwork for Scandal, By Lucy Komisar CorpWatch – corpwatch.org/article/cooking-insurance-books White Coat Investor Youtube 2016 0316 – KITCES.com – How Life Insurance Loans Really Work And Why It’s Problematic To “Bank On Yourself” – [link]

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Abbreviations AAA – American Academy of Actuaries ACLI – American Council of Life Insurers AL – Adjustable Life Insurance ASB – Actuarial Standards Board AP – Academic Paper AV – Audio / Video ILS- Illustrations IULISG – Indexed Universal Life Illustrations Subgroup – NAIC LC – Legal Cases LR – Law Reviews lib – Library…

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FOIA – Freedom of Information Act foiaproject.org/ GAO gao.gov/foia-requests Information Requests: govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2022-title4-vol1/pdf/CFR-2022-title4-vol1-sec81-3.pdf GovernmentAttic home.treasury.gov/footer/freedom-of-information-act judicialwatch.org/ judicialwatch.org/files/documents/2009/558_treasuryAIG.pdf scribd.com/publisher/72250156/Judicial-Watch-Inc/lists publicintelligence.net/ TheBlackVault John Moss 2004 0721 – Letter – FROM: Robert J. Freeman, Executive Director, State of New York Department of State Committee on Open Government – [link] I note that in a decision rendered in 2001, the…

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Law – Books Hornbooks American Casebook West Academic 1960, 1971 – Basic Text on Insurance Law, Robert Keeton ‎ Carolina Academic Press Principles of Insurance Law, Fifth Edition – Stempel, Knutsen, Swisher 5th – 2020  Hornbooks Insurance Law (Hornbooks)- Robert Keeton & Alan Widiss 1988 LexisNexis Insurance Law: Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition 3rd Edition…

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Archive.org archive.org/ archive.org///additional_collections archive.org///Committee+on+Financial+Services archive.org///Financial Times , 1999, UK, English archive.org///jstor archive.org///TV-CSPAN3 archive.org///usfederalcourts archive.org/search?query=subject%3A%22Insurance%2C+Life%22 free.law/ courtlistener.com/recap/

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FRED Federal Debt Held by the Public fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGFDPUN Deferred and Unpaid Life Insurance Premiums Held by the Top 1% (99th to 100th Wealth Percentiles) (WFRBLT01025) – [link]    fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/fredgraph.png?g=NRh0     Life Insurance Companies, General Accounts; Deferred and Unpaid Life Insurance Premiums; Asset, Level (DULIPLBSHNO)

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FSOC – Minutes home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-markets-financial-institutions-and-fiscal-service/fsoc/council-meetings/meeting-minutes December 18, 2014 b. Interest Rate Risk The Chairperson recognized Trent Reasons, Senior Policy Advisor at Treasury, who presented on the ongoing work of the Council’s Systemic Risk Committee related to monitoring interest rate risks and preparedness for potential rate shocks. Finally, Mr. Reasons described continued investment margin pressure on life…

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JSTOR jstor.org/ archive.org/details/jstor 2009 – MassMutual Analysis: Whole Life Insurance Can Help Supply Retirement Income, Preserve Equity Portfolios During Bear Markets https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA207186941&sid=sitemap&v=2.1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7E30bb6d9&aty=open-web-entry “MassMutual Analysis: Whole Life Insurance Can Help Supply Retirement Income, Preserve Equity Portfolios During Bear Markets.” Life Science Weekly, 8 Sept. 2009, p. 2922. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A207186941/AONE?u=anon~30bb6d9&sid=sitemap&xid=6d305127. Accessed 2 July 2024. https://www.medindia.net/health-press-release/MassMutual-Analysis-Whole-Life-Insurance-Can-Help-Supply-Retirement-Income-Preserve-Equity-Portfolios-During-Bear-Markets-45563-1.htm [Bonk: Next] 1938 -…

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