NARA 2013 – LC – 00779 – Starr v US –  Doc 98-2 – NARA – COP – FCIC – Release of Information – 8p p1-2 – 2012 0928 – NARA to DOJ  p3-4 – 2011 0210 – FCIC to NARA  p5-8 – 2011 0403 – COP to NARA We live in a world…

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How to Buy Life Insurance 1895 – How to Buy Life Insurance: The Essentials to be Considered in Selecting a Company, “The Author” The New York Life promised: on a 20 year endowment $1,650 and paid $710; on a 20 year deferred dividend $1,143 and paid $527; on a tontine it estimated $1,234 and paid…

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FIO – Federal Insurance Office – Resources 2016 11 – FIO – Report on Protection of Insurance Consumers and Access to Insurance, Federal Insurance Office – 58p 2013 12 – FIO – How to Modernize and Improve the System of Insurance Regulation in the United States, Federal Insurance Office- 71p 2020 – FIO – Annual…

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Yale Program on Financial Stability YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project – [link] Lessons Learned – 2008 Financial Crisis Journal of Financial Crises – [LINK] “…is an online publication of the Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS), the mission of which is to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge about financial crises.” 2020 03 -…

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Old – Journals Journals – 1800s – Same List as Journals 1900-1959 Field Notes Life Insurance Independent and American Journal Our Society Referendum American Underwriter Magazine and Insurance Review The Chronicle The Insurance Field The National Underwriter p149-157 – Life Insurance for the Poor, by Elizur Wright  p157-164 – A New Plan of Life Insurance…

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Books Old – Books 2008 – Financial Crisis – Books 2016 – Book – The Life Insurance Policy Crisis: The Advisors and Trustees Guide to Managing Risks and Avoiding a Client Crisis, by E. Randolph Whitelaw and Henry Montag Amazon – Best Sellers in Life Insurance – [link] Randal Hendricks’ meticulously researched article in…

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Pacer 2020 – Fixing the ‘PACER problem’ means more than a redesign – [LINK] 2020 12 – Free PACER Would Cost $2B And Other Completely Made Up Garbage The Federal Judiciary Is Peddling: The judiciary is freaking out and trying to snuff out this threat to its stash. – [LINK] Open Courts Act is a bipartisan proposal…

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Flitcraft Best’s Flitcraft Compendium

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