Reading List 2013 – LR – A Transactional Genealogy of Scandal: From Michael Milken to Enron to Goldman Sachs, by William W. Bratton and Adam J. Levitin – 87p 2023 – LR – A Matter of High Interest: How a Quiet Change to an Actuarial Assumption Turbocharges the Life Insurance Tax Shelter, by Andrew Granato…

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1970 – Joint Special Committee of Life Insurance Costs 1970 – Report of the Joint Special Committee on Life Insurance Costs – (p720-748) – 29p Report to American Life Convention, Institute of Life Insurance, Life Insurance Association of America  1973 — GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry –  4 parts – Senator Hart – Part…

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Start – Documents F:\2021 Bonknote stuff toshiba\2021 Project x – 1973-2 – NAIC – Exhibit II 21 different attempts DuRose bonknote p117-120 [PDF-4p] x – 2016 SOA Target Premium Buckets mp-2016-iss3-zhao-komissarov coi tables, etc. – Flitcraft Compend Reserve Factor Claire 5th –  2017 – DCBA – Lawyer Ad – UL Conceptually Same as WL -…

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Finding Aids Actuarial Federal Government Hearings Google Play COP – No Finding Aid Availabe FCIC – Finding Aid for the Records of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

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Youtube The And Asset The And Asset – Answering The Most Complex Life Insurance Questions – Tommy Smoot, Guardian 16 – Dom – Why don’t people get the Cash and the Death Benefit? 19 – Smoot – problems come when agents and consumers don’t understand moving parts. VUL in 2000s. Illustrated Rates were too Rosy….…

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Surveys Paul Graham, ACLI, stated that the NAIC should condition a survey to determine the impact on the industry. He said he would be willing to assist the NAIC in developing and distributing such a survey, and suggested the NAIC hire an independent consultant to accumulate the results. 2010-1, NAIC Proceedings – Principles-Based Reserving (EX)…

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ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice Practice Notes One of my concerns is that we have Practice Notes that people may not be looking at, which in a court of law could be used against you. Read the ASOP; read the regulation and get your hands on the Practice Notes and do what the…

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NAIC Conference Calls 2018 2018 0719 – LIAC – Mary Mealer – Adopted Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide 2018 0917 – LIOGWG (Canceled??) 2018 0921 – Consumer Information Subgroup 2018 0924 – LIIIWG. Notes? Call? 2018 0927- Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF) 2018 1009 – LIIIWG 2018 1010 – LIOGWG 2018 1024 – LIAC 2018 1109…

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Actuarial Tables Commutation CSO CET Mortality Actuarial Tables: Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table (1941 CSO) V. 1-, Volume 3 Actuarial Society of America Society and the Institute, 1945 Commutation Columns and Valuation Factors Based on 1980 CSO Mortality Table: Age last birthday – Actuarial Publishing House, 1981 TERM AND WHOLE- LIFE INSURANCE COST AS DEVELOPED…

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