Tax-Free Income 2011 – SOA – Tax Diversification in Retirement Planning, by Gregory C. Freeman, Society of Actuaries – 26p Cash Value Life Insurance 2 – Tax considerations impact many financial and investment decisions; for example, clients may accept lower returns of municipal bonds just to avoid income taxes. Others will pay insurance charges to gain…

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Retirement Income Strategy 2023 01 – SOA – Primer on Retirement Income Strategy Design and Evaluation, Society of Actuaries – [link] 2023 01 – SOA – Primer on Retirement Income Strategy Design and Evaluation – 104p Income Target Objective Model – Excel-DownLoad Income Optimization Objective Model 

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Strategic Rollout 2019 0614 – 7 Figure Squad – Matt Sapaula (PHP-People Helping People) – How the Rich Get Richer Using Life Insurance ft. Douglas Andrew – [VIDEO-YouTube-42:35]  – People don’t know what they don’t know – Awareness 26 – “Strategic Rollout” 2020 1020 – Doug Andrew – 3 Dimensional Wealth – Perform A Strategic…

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Seed – Harvest Doug Andrew Eric Olson 7-Figure Squad – Matt Sapaula “seed” “harvest” “roth” Van Mueller  Tom Hegna FFL 2013 – How to Use the Low-Interest Environment to Drive Life Sales, by Tom Hegna, at MDRT Conference – 18p Many people increasingly like the idea of paying taxes now on savings for retirement knowing…

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Swiss Army Knife 1998 1214 – Forbes – When costly insurance makes sense: For most people, whole life is a bad buy. Are you one of the exceptions? Here’s how to know., By Carrie Coolidge – p252, 254 1995 – Variable universal life: The “Swiss army knife” of financial planning. Journal of the American Society…

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Sales Strategies Bank on Yourself Pamela Yellen BTID – Buy Term and Invest the Difference BYOB – Be Your Own Banker Kai Zen LEAP – Lifetime Economic Acceleration Process Flex Method IBC – Infinite Banking Concept Nelson Nash Laser Fund Doug Andrew LIRP – Life Insurance Retirement Plan David McKnight Missed Fortune Doug Andrew MPI…

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Qualified Money to Life Insurance Doug Andrew David McKnight 1995 0205 – Green Bay Press-Gazette – Don’t pillage IRA to buy Life Insurance – New England Life Sanford Guritzky Peter Katt 26 Feb 2005, Sat Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, Florida)

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IUL – Retirement Income – Loans 2018 /2019 – SOA – Why Indexed Universal Life Income Streams Need to Be Managed 2018 10 – SOA – Why Indexed Universal Life Income Streams Need to Be Managed—Part 1, By Ben H Wolzenski and John S. McSwaney – p28-31 – WHAT’S THIS ABOUT AND A QUICK…

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