1990s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets 1991 0717 – NAIC Testimony – Terence Lennon, New York Department of Insurance – 17p (p4) – Individual Products The most important feature of the new individual products was the unbundling or separation of the fund accumulation from the mortality function. In this way the consumer could be shown his…

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1980s – Congress – Snippets 1980 0207 – Congressional Record – Senators Howard Cannon (D-NV),  Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH),  John Durkin (D-NH), re: FTC, McCarran-Ferguson Act – p2382 – congress.gov/bound-congressional-record/1980/02/07/senate-section (p2367-2368) – Senator Howard Cannon (D-NV) – Mr. President, at the time of the markup in the Senate Commerce Committee on the FTC bill, I held the…

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1980s – Actuarial – Snippets Whenever you are working on something new and innovating, it is always a good idea to look back and see what the ancients called it. —  Charles W. McMahon 1980 – SOA – Product Innovation – Response to Consumer Needs in the 1980’s, Society of Actuaries – 14p Some of our…

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Congress – Snippets – 2009 (p5) – Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL):  The causes of AIG’s collapse raise profound questions about the adequacy of our existing State and Federal financial regulatory regimes. 2009 0305 – GOV (Senate) – American International Group: Examining What Went Wrong, Government Intervention, And Implications for Future Regulation, (CSPAN) Government Intervention and Regulation of…

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CRS – Congressional Research Service – Snippets (p23) – Well, I think that—as you said, what happened is they moved from municipal securities into mortgage-backed securities, thinking that since, among other things, housing prices had never gone down in the United States, it should not be a problem. To a large degree it has really…

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1980s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets The FTC efforts to deter state action on life insurance cost disclosure, under the guise of assisting the states, when in fact, the game plan was to initiate an FTC regulation on the basis that the states failed to act, might be described as a federal fraud.…

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1980s – ACLI – Snippets 1. Heard report by ACLI concerning life insurance cash flow and liquidity problems caused by recent financial instability.  The report noted: (a) High interest rates caused cash outflow. (b) Forward investment commitments have been a source of cash drain while anticipated cash inflows have not materialized. (c) Few companies have…

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1970s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets (p1501) – John Durkin, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner: As a starting point, there is little regulation of the life insurance industry by the States. The States do little with respect to life insurance regulations for many reasons, mainly because there are very few problems with complaints over…

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Judges – Snippets Judges – 201x – LC – Walker v LSW, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest [Re: State Guaranty Funds] 2021 1008 – In Re: Penn Treaty Network America – No. 1 PEN 2009 – Insurance Company in Liquidation Liquidator’s Brief in Support of Exceptions – 456p 2015 0511 – Proceedings Taken May 11, 2015 THE…

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