ACLI – 2020s – Snippets TPAs and MGAs – We also question the usefulness of collecting information concerning MGAs and TPAs. Insurers are ultimately responsible for the actions of these entities, who can provide a wide variety of services. 2020 0821 – Letter – ACLI to NAIC (MCASWG – Market Conduct Annual Statement Blanks Working…

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ACLI – 2010s – Snippets 2011 0422 – WSJ – AIG Tries to Sell Death-Bet Securities, By Leslie Scism – [link] The new wrinkle of securitization arose in the market’s boom years before the financial crisis. Just as Wall Street banks bundled mortgages to make mortgage bonds, financiers looked into bundling hundreds of life-insurance policies into…

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ACLI – 2000s – Snippets Today, life insurers compete directly with non-insurance financial services institutions, such as banks and mutual funds.  (p12) —  William B. Fisher, Vice President And Associate General Counsel, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, On Behalf of the American Council Of Life Insurers  (ACLI) 2001 0621 – GOV (House) – Insurance Product…

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1990s – ACLI – Snippets I’m going to discuss what Norm referred to as consumer disclosure forms To date, no state has adopted these forms. Why this complete lack of action after all the effort in developing the forms? One possible reason is that, during the early part of the year, state insurance departments are…

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ACLI – Snippets – 1970s The most obvious, though not necessarily accurate, basis of comparison of policies of the same initial or minimum face value is the premium.  (p41) 1976 0909 – Letter – ACLI to NAIC – RE: Proposed Changes to the NAIC Model Variable Life Insurance Regulation – 1976-1 – NAIC Proceedings – p623-…

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FTC – Snippets Cash value policies differ from term insurance in three important ways. First, the premiums for a cash value policy are initially much higher than for term insurance for the same amount of insurance protection. Second, unlike the premiums for term insurance, cash value premiums do not go up with age, but remain…

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MetLife – Snippets Policyholder 1;  I’m dropping my whole life policy with your company and replacing it with company x’s universal life policy. Agent 1:  Universal life is not right for you, and I recommend retaining your present policy. Policyholder 2:  I’m dropping my whole life policy with your company and replacing it with company…

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SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission – Snippets [SEC Report] (p87) – William L. Cary, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – In its 23d annual report (1957) this Commission, describing its most pressing enforcement problems, included this statement: “Recent economic conditions have been relatively favorable for the sale of promotional stocks of new ventures,…

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ASB – Actuarial Standards Board – Snippets Jack Turnquist, ASB, Actuarial Standards Board said his organization had held a public hearing in March because of concern about abuses in illustrations and concerns about how non-guaranteed elements were being illustrated. The Actuarial Standards Board had considered development of standards, but he felt that it would be…

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NCOIL – Snippets 1993 0124 – The Washington Post – States Need to Reform Insurance Guaranty Funds, Jane Bryant Quinn – [link] To reduce the lottery element of settlements, the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) has proposed a single, interstate guaranty fund. 3. H.R. 1290 –  Bob Mackin (NCOIL) expressed concerns about the various industry…

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