1990s – Prudential Insurance Company – Snippets I would say to all of you that if you think that you don’t have any customers or any agents who fail to understand what a nonguaranteed illustration really means, you’re kidding yourself. And if you don’t think that you have customers out there (which means agents also)…

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Lawyers – Snippets Now as usual, things that are prohibited can nonethelessbe done if you do them right. The way to do it is either comply with an exemptive rule or get an exemptive order.  —  W. Randolph Thompson, with the law firm of Jones & Blouchin Washington, will speak on some SEC issues 1993 -…

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DOTT – Department of the Treasury – Snippets … the life insurance industry has developed new products that contain predominantly investment features similar to those offered by depository institutions.  (p93) —  William S. McKee, Tax Legislative Counsel, Department of the Treasury [DOTT] 1983 0311 – GOV (Senate – Committee on Finance) – Taxation of Financial…

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Actuarial – Snippets Actuarial – Snippets – 1950s Actuarial – Snippets – 1970s Actuarial – Snippets – 1980s Actuarial – Snippets – 1990s In a paper read before the insurance commissioners  in June last Mr. D. P. Fackler said: Many have grave fears of bad results if the largest companies are allowed to continue to…

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GAO – Government Accountability Office – Snippets GAO – Government Accountability Office Most state insurance regulators generally only conduct investigations of insurance company sales practices when they receive customer complaints. Although some state insurance regulators review insurance companies’ product sales practices as part of market conduct reviews, few insurance products are subject to any suitability…

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FRB – Federal Reserve Board – Snippets 2003 0729 – FCIC – Letter – From FRBNY Frank P Sabato to Michelle Sims, Re report conducted by examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – 40p Some annuity products. however, contain benefit guarantees for which reserving practices are not well established. 5. A general…

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FCIC – Snippets 2008 0916 (9pm) – FCIC – KKR – Email from Tagar Olson Regarding AIG – 5p If you assume that the economic losses against the CDS book (estimated by Blackrock at  $11-$18bn) and other under-reserved amounts/ questionable assets (the great unknown) are less than the value of their core insurance and other…

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