Academic – Snippets The Mechanics of Universal Life Policies Once the policy is activated, the term policy and the accumulation account each operate independently. 1985 – AP – Universal / Variable Life Insurance Policy Purchase Decisions, Stephen P. D’Arcy and Keun Chang Lee – 58p The interest rate sensitivity of UL policy cash values, amplified…

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Binders NAIC – Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Model Act – 1971-2009 BonkNote BINDER – 238p.pdf

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Snippets Snippets – Index ACLI – Snippets Actuarial – Snippets FSOC – Prudential – Determination and Dissents – Snippets Government Hearings – Snippets Illustrations – Snippets Law Reviews – Snippets NAIC Working Groups – Snippets NAIFA (NALU) – Snippets Old – Snippets Regulators – Snippets Universal Life Model Regulation – Snippets Universal Life Model Regulation…

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Illustrations – Snippets 1982-1, ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers) – NAIC Proceedings The American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) presented a paper on cost disclosure for universal life products..,..Further, the policy summary should include a statement on the point at which the policy will expire based on the policy guarantees and the anticipated premiums shown in…

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Life Insurance Buyers’ Guide Working Group (LIBGWG) – Snippets of NAIC Proceedings He <Brian Fetchel (Breadwinners Insurance)> said consumers don’t understand the different types of insurance policies … 2/7/2017 LIBGWG CC Proc. 2015 – Spring  Appointed a New Working Group to Revise the Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Ms. Matthews said the Committee has a 2015…

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