1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 142p 1991-1992 – SOA – Final Report* of the Task Force for Research on Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries  —  [BonkNote]  —  142p Appendix II – Illustration Examples *Opinions expressed herein are…

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SOA – Searches CDO – 127r – (1st-1991) – soa.org///CDO Collateralized Mortgage Obligations – 239r – (1st-1985) – soa.org///Collateralized mortgage obligations   Federal Home Loan Bank – 36r – (1st-1981) – soa.org///Federal Home Loan Bank MBIA – 15r – (1st-1988) – soa.org///mbia Non-Interest Sensitive – 49r – soa.org///Non-Interest Sensitive Policies ZERO Results  – (approximately 2023)…

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2002 – SOA – Dropping Like a Rock: Dealing with Falling Interest Rates and Equity Markets Outside the United States and Canada 2002 – SOA – Dropping Like a Rock: Dealing with Falling Interest Rates and Equity Markets Outside the United States and Canada, Society of Actuaries – 27p (p5) – The whole industry of Asia can…

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1940s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1949 – SOA – Report of the Committee on Mortality Under Ordinary Insurances and Annuities, Society of Actuaries – 12p 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p 1949 – SOA – Some Actuarial Observations on Agency Management Problems, by Charles…

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SOA – Congress James Pilgrim: My question is both to Walt and Fred. When you talk about universal life being a way to sell lower cost coverage by virtue of the policyhoIder’s paying the minimum premium to keep the policy in force, aren’t we going to find down the road, and particularly for companies whose…

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2020s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 2021 – SOA – Taking Life Insurance Customer Engagement to the Next Level, Society of Actuaries – 17p 2022 – SOA – Mechanics of Dividends, by Dale Hagstrom, Society of Actuaries – 28p 2022 – SOA – Overview of Nonguaranteed Elements (NGEs), Society of Actuaries – 22p

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SOA – Presidents SOA – Past Presidents – [link-soa] Address of the President Address of the President 1964 – SOA – Andrew C. Webster – Address of the President – 7p The President has the privilege of addressing the members on subjects of his own choosing. I would like to report on major items in…

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