Q: How are Life Insurance Policies Sold? Q: Are Life Insurance Policies Being Sold For a Death Benefit or an Investment Vehicle? LIRP/ SLIRP – Life Insurance Retirement Plan Walker v LSW Target Premium, etc. IUL – NAIC  Group

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CRVM – Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method 1979 – SOA – Adjustable Life Expense Allowances Under The Commissioners Reserve Valuation Method, Society of Actuaries – 36p 1984-1, NAIC Proceedings, Reserves Examples 1994 – SOA – Valuation Actuary Symposium Proceedings – Sessions 8 – Life and Deferred Annuity Life and Deferred Annuity Liability Models, Society of Actuaries – 32p 1994…

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SEC – Variable Life – 12% 1996 – NAIC – Variable Life Illustrations Subgroup of the Life Disclosure (A) Working Group – June 2, 1996 Mr. Morse reported that under the current rules, a personalized illustration may be prepared using 0% and 12%. The 12% includes the current morality and expenses and the 0% illustration…

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ACLI – IUL 1. Voted to Expose the ACLI and the Alternative Actuarial Guideline for IUL Illustrations Paul Graham (American Council of Life Insurers–ACLI) said the ACLI’s proposed actuarial guideline for indexed universal life (IUL) illustrations (Attachment Eight-A) was approved by a supermajority of members of the ACLI Life Insurance Committee, the CEO Steering Committee…

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Companies vs. Agents 2000 – Crown Life Ins. Co. v. Casteel – 22 SW 3d 378 – Tex: Supreme Court, 2000 – [Google Scholar link] William E. Casteel sold insurance policies as an independent agent of Crown Life Insurance Company. One of the policies sold by Casteel led to a lawsuit by policyholders against Casteel and Crown. In that lawsuit, Casteel filed…

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Agents vs Companies 1985 – Glassman v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. –  616 F. Supp. 145 – Dist. Court, ND Illinois, 1985 – [Google Scholar link] … Glassman (Glassman) brought this libel action against his former employer, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Metropolitan … We wish to inform you that Mr. Ray Glassman no longer represents Metropolitan …  1997 -…

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Q: How Do You Eat An Elephant? The very idea of getting a handle on everything that is going on is mind boggling; but when organized, the elephant can be eaten, a bit at a time. —  Alan B. Peterson, Equitable 1977 – SOA – Corporate Planning: Procedural Aspects, Society of Actuaries – 18p ……

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BGA – Benefit Generating Account This creature called universal life has evolved from a combination of term insurance and a flexible premium annuity to a range of differing products with various design features. Common to any of these variations is the fact that future cash values cannot be determined completely at issue. Cash values (and…

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Q: Should A Life Insurance Policy Be Split? – SIV/CIV High early cash value policies, “premium endowments,” and other policies which overemphasize the cash-value buildup have been around for years. Recently, however, some state insurance departments have been taking a closer look at these policies. At least one state has gone so far as to…

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Q: Who Can Explain How Life Insurance Policies Work?  Academics 2018 1118 – No. 294: Universal Life Policies—a Disaster for Life Insurance Companies and Their Policyholders, by Joseph Belth – [link] Detailed discussions of the history and operation of universal life may be found in college-level insurance textbooks. See, for example, pages 70-76 in the 15th edition…

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