Project – 2023 – Market Analysis Procedures (D) Working Group 4. Possible NAIC Recommendations for Amending the Uniform Securities Act  a. At the present time, the NAIC, including the Securities and Insurance Regulation Task Force, is studying the many “new-life” insurance products that are being sold by approximately 30 insurance companies. Simultaneously, the NAIC is…

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ACLI – TRG – Technical Resource Goup – NAIC George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) Life Disclosure Working Group – (A) – NAIC I think you really have to make sure that people understand volatility, whether you solve for a policy blowing up or values being…

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Complex Products More complex products sold to individual consumers (e.g., universal life policies) tend to generate more market conduct problems than simple products (e.g., term life insurance). 2003 0701 – Report – For NCOIL – The Path to Reform – The Evolution of Market Conduct Surveillance Regulation, by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Georgia State University – 117p…

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Options – Life Insurance Policy Michael Lovendusky, ACLI …said the ACLI work group thinks that most confusion for consumers involves complex products like universal life, and not Simple products like term life. He said consumers are mostly confused about options, guarantees and riders. The ACLI work group was considering asking the life insurance and Annuities…

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2013 0905 – LC – Johnston & Johnston v Conseco – 5th Circuit Court of Appeals – 13-30010 – Oral Argument – mp3 Johnston & Johnston v. Conseco 2013 0905 – LC – Johnston & Johnston v Conseco – 5th Circuit Court of Appeals – 13-30010 – Oral Argument – mp3  —  [BonkNote] —  [link-mp3-audio] -wma Issue: …

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Banks and Life Insurance – Similar Products / Activities Cash value life insurance can operate as an investment vehicle that combines life insurance protection with a financial instrument that operates similarly to bank certificates of deposit and mutual fund investments. 2010 – Senate / CRS – Tax Expenditures: Compendium of Background Material on Individual Provisions…

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Systemic Risk – Life Insurance Assimilation of banking-type activities by life insurers appears to be the key systemic vulnerability. 2003 – IMF – Insurance and Issues in Financial Soundness. IMF working paper 03/138. Das U, Davies N, Podpiera R – 44p (p3) – Third, as noted repeatedly by EIOPA, the ESRB and market analysts, scenarios involving multiple…

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Bad Faith 1985 – LR – Establishing the Tort of Bad Faith in Wyoming, by JT Dyre – 21p The past three decades have witnessed the development, in a number of jurisdictions, of what is termed the new tort of bad faith breach of contract.1 This new tort developed initially with regard to disputes between…

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Punitive Damages 1997 – LR – Punitive Damages Reform: The Case of Alabama, by George L. Priest – 17p Gallant v. Prudential 27. Gallant v. Prudential Life Ins. Co., Barbour County, AL, CY·93-S0 (1994)  Ferguson v Crown Life

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