1970s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Snippets (p1501) – John Durkin, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner: As a starting point, there is little regulation of the life insurance industry by the States. The States do little with respect to life insurance regulations for many reasons, mainly because there are very few problems with complaints over…

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1970s / 1980s – LIBG – Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide – Wisconsin Wisconsin Task Force William SNELL. Northwestern Mutual – In Wisconsin in July 1977, the state held a hearing on the NAIC Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation. Most people present suggested that it be adopted. Nothing happened until May 1978, when a new regulation…

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ACLI – 2020s – Snippets TPAs and MGAs – We also question the usefulness of collecting information concerning MGAs and TPAs. Insurers are ultimately responsible for the actions of these entities, who can provide a wide variety of services. 2020 0821 – Letter – ACLI to NAIC (MCASWG – Market Conduct Annual Statement Blanks Working…

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ACLI – 2010s – Snippets 2011 0422 – WSJ – AIG Tries to Sell Death-Bet Securities, By Leslie Scism – [link] The new wrinkle of securitization arose in the market’s boom years before the financial crisis. Just as Wall Street banks bundled mortgages to make mortgage bonds, financiers looked into bundling hundreds of life-insurance policies into…

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ACLI – 2000s – Snippets Today, life insurers compete directly with non-insurance financial services institutions, such as banks and mutual funds.  (p12) —  William B. Fisher, Vice President And Associate General Counsel, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, On Behalf of the American Council Of Life Insurers  (ACLI) 2001 0621 – GOV (House) – Insurance Product…

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1990s – ACLI – Snippets I’m going to discuss what Norm referred to as consumer disclosure forms To date, no state has adopted these forms. Why this complete lack of action after all the effort in developing the forms? One possible reason is that, during the early part of the year, state insurance departments are…

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ACLI – Snippets – 1970s The most obvious, though not necessarily accurate, basis of comparison of policies of the same initial or minimum face value is the premium.  (p41) 1976 0909 – Letter – ACLI to NAIC – RE: Proposed Changes to the NAIC Model Variable Life Insurance Regulation – 1976-1 – NAIC Proceedings – p623-…

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2020s – Newspapers 2022 0709 – Times of San Diego – Opinion: California Class-Action Lawyers Now Targeting Life Insurance Industry, by Tiger Joyce (President of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) – [link] 2022 1007 – WSJ – Private Equity’s Pension-Plan Takeovers Face Backlash Some lawmakers say the transfer of pension liabilities to private equity-linked insurers puts…

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Project – TimeLine 1871-1, NAIC Proc. Gustavus W. Smith, Kentucky Insurance Commissioner: While on this subject, I may allude to what I consider the great trouble in life insurance. It is, in my opinion, an undoubted fact that educated, intelligent, influential business men of this country, as a class, are utterly ignorant of what this…

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2010s 1871-1, NAIC Proc. Gustavus W. Smith, Kentucky Insurance Commissioner: While on this subject, I may allude to what I consider the great trouble in life insurance. It is, in my opinion, an undoubted fact that educated, intelligent, influential business men of this country, as a class, are utterly ignorant of what this thing is. …

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