Project – TimeLine 1871-1, NAIC Proc. Gustavus W. Smith, Kentucky Insurance Commissioner: While on this subject, I may allude to what I consider the great trouble in life insurance. It is, in my opinion, an undoubted fact that educated, intelligent, influential business men of this country, as a class, are utterly ignorant of what this…

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Project – 1970s 1973 01 – SEC – Variable Life Insurance and the Petition for the Issuance and Amendment of Exemptive Rules, Securities and Exchange Commission 1975 – GOV (House) – Financial Institutions and The Nation’s Economy (Fine) “Discussion Principles,” – Part 1, Fernand J. St Germain (D-RI)  – [805p-GooglePlay] 1971-2, NAIC Proceedings – 1971 0616 -…

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Project – 1800s It is of great importance at the present moment that sound principles on the subject of insurance should be widely and rapidly disseminated. Whether they act by producing conviction, or opposition, a step is equally gained : nothing but indifference can prevent the public from becoming well acquainted with all that is…

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Project – TimeLine 1838 – Book – An Essay on Probabilities, and Their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices, by Augustus De Morgan It is of great importance at the present moment that sound principles on the subject of insurance should be widely and rapidly disseminated. Whether they act by producing conviction, or opposition, a step…

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1990s – Prudential Insurance Company – Snippets I would say to all of you that if you think that you don’t have any customers or any agents who fail to understand what a nonguaranteed illustration really means, you’re kidding yourself. And if you don’t think that you have customers out there (which means agents also)…

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2010s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Government Hearings (p14) – Terri Vaughan – (NAIC- CEO): So what we try to do is educate consumers about the critical importance of this issue. We spend a lot of money on consumer education. We created a Web site, Insure U Web site, for consumers to go to…

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1990s – NAIC – Insurance Regulators – Government Hearings 1993 0525 –  GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life Insurance?, Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] (p33) – NAIC – Statement of David Lyons (Iowa Insurance Commissioner (IA), On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners  I also serve,…

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