1970s – NAIC – Insurance Commissioners – Government Hearings 1975 1203 and 1204 – GOV (Senate) – Veterans Insurance Information Disclosure, Richard Stone (D-FL)  —  [BonkNote] (p36) – William H. Huff III (Iowa) – President of NAIC, Statement  (p44) – NAIC – Mr. William H. HUFF III – (IA): If the Society of Actuaries’ research is…

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2000s – Newspapers 2004 0703 – The Hartford Courant – MassMutual Reaches Settlement – [link] MassMutual has agreed to settle long-standing class-action litigation that accused the company and its representatives of misleading sales practices. The settlement would cover owners of certain life and disability insurance policies between 1983 and 2003, and would resolve litigation filed in…

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1980s – Prudential Insurance Company – Snippets Prudential – Snippets Thus, we have universal life policies with a so-called low target premium where excess interest earnings can carry the policy for the whole of life with the payment of that low premium. We have the other extreme where the premium is higher but through the use of dividends or…

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2000s – CSPAN 2007 0718 – Press Club – The Role of Private Equity – [VIDEO-CSPAN] Former U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow spoke about the role of private equity in U.S. manufacturing and the global economy. He responded to questions submited by members of the audience. Former Secretary Snow is chairman of Cerberus Capital Management…

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Victorian Tit-Bits was especially ingenious, pioneering correspondence columns, treasure hunts, prizes for amateur contributions, and even a life insurance scheme that promised to compensate the next of kin of any commuter found in a railway wreckage with copies of the current week’s issue on his person.40 40 Peter D. McDonald, British Literary Culture and Publishing…

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Government Hearings – 1930s 1935 – GOV (House) – Regulating the Use of the Mails with Respect to Insurance … Committee on the post office & post roads Life Insurance Co. , Detroit , Mich . Midwest Life Insurance Co. , Lincoln … Hercules Life Insurance Co. of Chicago . I will endeavor not to…

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1940s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1949 – SOA – Report of the Committee on Mortality Under Ordinary Insurances and Annuities, Society of Actuaries – 12p 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p 1949 – SOA – Some Actuarial Observations on Agency Management Problems, by Charles…

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Government Hearings – 1940s Verbatim Record of the Proceedings google.com https://books.google.com › books United States. Temporary National Economic Committee · 1940 · ‎Corporations … Life Insurance Co. 193-194 , 201 , 213 American Bank , Port Clinton , Ohio … Hercules Life Insurance Co. , Chi- ….. cago Home Life Insurance Co. , Little ……

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2020s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 2021 – SOA – Taking Life Insurance Customer Engagement to the Next Level, Society of Actuaries – 17p 2022 – SOA – Mechanics of Dividends, by Dale Hagstrom, Society of Actuaries – 28p 2022 – SOA – Overview of Nonguaranteed Elements (NGEs), Society of Actuaries – 22p

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1950s – Newspapers 1950 1208 – NYT – Life Concerns Gird Against Atom Risk – [link] 1958 0422 – Ocala Star Banner – Boom in Life Insurance – [link]

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