Threats and Intimidation Always Marco BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC) Nov.02, 2023 2023 1102 – BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC) – [link] Jerry Keating, Agent – I began my career with John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. in 1965.  (p15) 1993 0525 – GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given…

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Joint Ventures 1994 – SOA – Joint Ventures / Private Labeling, Society of Actuaries – 18p

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TPA – Third Party Administrator I’ve seen not very much sale, strangely enough, of permanent insurance within the third party administrator business. That is a problem in a way, but it is also an opportunity for a lot of people I think, in that they haven’t done much with that. One would think with the…

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What If “What if” Scenarios Let’s go a step further. I keep hearing that I am not really going to have a television in my family room — I’m going to have a PC of some kind. I can switch on my “television” and look at a Universal Life proposal. I can play “what if”…

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Credit Cards Credit card distribution systems Association endorsed marketing Direct response marketing Single premium credit insurance Joseph Fafian, Jr: My subject for today is credit cards in the marketing of insurance. I am going to discuss this subject from five different perspectives. The topics to be covered are: 1. What are some ways that credit…

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Fifth Dividend 1959 – SOA – Some Observations on Ordinary Dividends, by Robert T. Jackson, Society of Actuaries – 48p One Year Term Option In connection with the high early cash value policies mentioned in the previous paragraphs, a new dividend option, colloquially called the fifth dividend option, sprang up, with dividends being used to purchase…

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Cyber cyberattack CyberCemetery  2023 – LC – Heinz v. Jackson National Life Insurance Company 1:2023cv12897

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